Showing 418 articles

Spiritual Exercises in the Western Philosophical Tradition

Author: Julian Scott

January 22, 2024

Although modern philosophy is mainly an intellectual pursuit, it has had immense impact on the shaping of our world. The philosophy of Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was largely responsible for the current scientific worldview and the explosion of technology; Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857) schematized the foundations of a theory of linear progress in [...]

On Marsilio Ficino’s Magic

Author: Agostino Dominici

January 21, 2024

Marsilio Ficino was a prominent figure in the Italian Renaissance, making significant contributions to the study and revival of Magic. His magical teachings were an amalgamation of Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, and Christian thought. Before delving into Ficino’s magical doctrines, it is essential to explore some of the key themes underlying Renaissance magic. – Religious and Cultural [...]

The Hero, Life and the Creation of the Sun

Author: Siobhan Farrar

January 21, 2024

The wisdom tradition and religious thought of the ancient Aztecs is shrouded in mystery. Whilst we cannot completely ‘know’ how these people encountered life, we can intuitively enter an understanding of how they thought, using symbolic language to decipher what remains perceivable through the shifting sands of time. One such remaining treasure is the myth [...]

What Can We Do To Decrease Polarization?

Author: Sabine Leitner

January 21, 2024

The recent atrocities in the Middle East and the subsequent actions, reactions, comments, discussions, and demonstrations around the world have highlighted again how quickly we can become polarized in our opinions today. It is like a chain reaction: the moment one person starts to take sides for who is more deserving of sympathy and support, [...]

‘To be or not to be’ Today

Author: Ana Luisa Lellis

September 8, 2023

‘To be or not to be, that is the question’. How many times have we heard, seen, or read this sentence? From Laurence Olivier to Bugs Bunny, so many have tried their hand at interpreting what is quite possibly the most famous soliloquy in literature. Hamlet’s themes, characters, and iconic lines have permeated various forms [...]

Metaphysical Goods

Author: Sabine Leitner

September 8, 2023

It is easy to understand theoretically how the sound of a violin is produced. But it is very difficult to turn this intellectual understanding into the actual ability to play the violin well. Similarly, as humanity, we have already grasped many profound concepts a long time ago, but in some cases it has taken us [...]

The Science of Tomorrow: An Alliance of Reason and Spirituality

Author: Jean Staune

September 8, 2023

In view of what is happening today, it is possible that science may hold a less important place in the culture of tomorrow. Why? Because when science is called upon to express its view on certain subjects, it often adopts an excessively authoritarian tone. This uncompromising approach has discredited it in the eyes of public [...]

The Symbolic Dimension of Grimms’ Fairy Tales

Author: Ana Luisa Lellis

September 8, 2023

“Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life.” Friedrich Schiller Over two hundred years ago, the brothers Grimm published the first edition of their “Children’s and Household Tales”.Little did they know how important their work would be and for how long [...]

Alchemy and its Mute Language

Author: Agostino Dominici

September 8, 2023

To spread and transmit its teachings, Western alchemy has often resorted to the visual arts, with their symbolic and imaginative language. This fact should not surprise us if we take into account that ‘working according to nature’ is the modus operandi of the alchemist. In other words, if one sets out to discover the hidden [...]

Tales from the Ramayana – The Abduction of Sita

Author: Miha Kosir

September 8, 2023

In the world of literature there are a few well known epic stories in which the plot is built around the abduction of a woman. In the East one of them is the ancient Indian story of the Ramayana, and in the West, there is the ancient Greek story of the Iliad. These are not [...]

In Praise of Folly and Other Teachings of Erasmus

Author: Istvan Orban

September 8, 2023

“We live in times when to speak endangers the body, but to remain silent endangers the soul” – Erasmus of Rotterdam Nowadays, Erasmus comes to our mind when we hear about the student exchange program of the European Union. The educational program was named after a Dutch Renaissance philosopher, Desiderius Erasmus, who was a great [...]

Fear and Courage

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

September 8, 2023

That fear is the greatest adversary on the path of wisdom? We already knew that. But we have to experience it. Wisdom is not about filling our heads with ideas that are never applied (precisely because of fear or cowardice, or comfort, which is another form of fear and cowardice); wisdom is to learn to [...]