Showing 2 articles

The Symbolic Dimension of Grimms’ Fairy Tales

Author: Ana Luisa Lellis

September 8, 2023

“Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life.” Friedrich Schiller Over two hundred years ago, the brothers Grimm published the first edition of their “Children’s and Household Tales”.Little did they know how important their work would be and for how long [...]

Gnomes in Folklore and Fairy Tales

Author: Ania Hajost

September 14, 2018

Folklore and fairy tales are well known for describing all sort of incredible creatures: gnomes, dwarfs, mermaids, pixies, giants and speaking animals and birds. The famous alchemist Paracelsus made a classification of these mostly invisible beings and called them ‘elementals’ or ‘nature spirits’. He said that they can be found within the Earth (gnomes, fairies [...]