Showing 2 articles

Intuition and its Application in Natural Science

Author: Sara Ortiz Rous

July 7, 2023

Our duty is to keep alive in the human being his spiritual intuitions. H.P.Blavatsky   The only really valuable thing is intuition. A.Einstein Introduction One of the main characteristics of the human mind is its ability to form concepts, principles and theories for the purpose of understanding the world around us. Einstein used to say [...]

Open the Mind: Make the Best Ideas Ours

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

May 1, 2017

Can we think absolutely by ourselves, without any influence? I think not, nobody can do that. But we can assimilate ideas of other people that align very well with our own and that we come to feel as decidedly ours. What we can do is internalize ideas, thoughts, beliefs that we feel are the ones [...]