Showing 15 articles


Author: Anonymous

August 8, 2014

The philosopher who has had most influence on the Chinese people is known in the history of thought by the name of K’ung-fu-tzu, or Master K’ung, which the Jesuit missionaries of Peking latinized to Confucius. According to tradition, K’ung Chung-ni, or K’ung Ch’iu was born in Ch’ü-fu in the State of Lu, on the 21st [...]


Author: Anonymous

June 1, 2014

Director: Ridley Scott Cast: Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed Duration: 155 min. This is a pure Hollywood movie that nonetheless refers to a very important era of history – the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire. This movie reminds us of the glory of Rome, long before Christian historians misjudged [...]


Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

May 13, 2014

“I will never be an obstacle to myself.” – Epictetus   Willpower is much more than a simple desire. In order to do things, to live and  to achieve goals in life, desire is not enough. A desire dies faster than a passing gust of wind, while willpower manifests itself with the power of faith, [...]