Showing 4 articles

The Importance of Context

Author: Sabine Leitner

May 11, 2023

“They were locked into a room without food or water, and they did not know how they would be able to get out again.” – Do you find this sentence alarming? Well, it might sound scary, especially if we imagine it was done by an employer to their employees or by a terrorist organization to [...]

On the Ethics of Journalism with Anant Goenka

Author: Manjula Nanavati

April 17, 2020

What is the primary ethical obligation of the press? Is it not to seek the truth, actual facts, and to present it as objectively as possible? Yet, the facts alone are not the whole truth. Given the facts, there is a need to apprehend context, connect the dots, discern patterns, and collate them into statements [...]

In the Light of Truth

Author: Yaron Barzilay

September 30, 2018

Our recent times are characterized by a phenomenon due to which we may refer to it as a Post Truth Era. Not only are the differences between the real and unreal fewer, and less clear, but they are regarded as irrelevant. This seems to be yet another inevitable step downward in postmodernist thinking, and it [...]

Philosophy for Living

Author: Yaron Barzilay

February 7, 2017

Today is a special day; it is the day that UNESCO marks as World Philosophy Day. It is great for us to be able to celebrate philosophy. Especially, since we shall also use the opportunity to launch a book written by Delia Steinberg Guzman (Honorary President of the International Organisation New Acropolis), titled Philosophy for [...]