Showing 2 articles

The Solar Hero

Author: Natalya Petlevych

August 29, 2017

During these days of sunlight’s fullness, it is good to remember the symbolism of the sun and its connection to our inner centre, our Higher Self. This connection appears most frequently in the stories of solar heroes. These myths tell us that a human being has something of the transient and something of the eternal, [...]

The Symbolism of the Angels

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

May 13, 2014

Angels are regarded as invisible messengers, inhabitants of Heaven, beings of light and symbols of lightness as well as fire and martial power. Angels have always been present in the imagination of man. All civilizations admit the existence of these beneficent spiritual beings that collaborate with the Creator, according to their rank in the celestial [...]