February 18, 2025
When writing this article, artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the most spoken-about topics worldwide for a while, with equally mixed views of great excitement and heavy concern, as it is a significant disruptor already involved in almost every aspect of our lives. While a wide range of incredible possibilities is opening up before [...]May 13, 2023
AI is not a new phenomenon. Humankind, since its beginnings, has tried to create machines and automata, either to place them at our service or to extend our human capabilities. Many of these stories reflect the admiration for these creations and, at the same time, the fear of losing control over these advanced technologies. We [...]June 3, 2018
The principle of the programmable modern computer was proposed by Alan Turing in a paper in 1936, in which he proved that a “Universal Computing Machine” could be capable of computing anything that is computable by executing instructions using a program stored on tape. Since then, the astonishing development of computing hardware has allowed us [...]August 5, 2014
The official history we learn at school or read in most books gives us only a partial view of reality and leaves out things that do not fit into the prevailing view. A case in point is the English Renaissance and its links with occultism. The standard history of that age tells us of the [...]