Showing 2 articles

Many Seeds, One Garden: Learning from the Sacred Groves of India

Author: Manjula Nanavati (compiled by)

July 8, 2024

This is a write-up based on an event celebrating International Mother Earth Day held at New Acropolis, Colaba, Mumbai. UNESCO has designated April 22nd as International Mother Earth Day to raise public awareness of the challenges to the well-being of our planet, and to recognize our collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature. At an [...]

Sacred Groves

Author: Ubai Husein

March 23, 2016

“The forest is not merely an expression or representation of sacredness, nor a place to invoke the sacred; the forest is sacredness itself.  Nature is not merely created by God, nature is God.  Whoever moves within the forest can partake directly of sacredness, experience sacredness with his entire body, breathe sacredness and contain it within [...]