April 18, 2022
I am imagining depicted on a Renaissance tapestry the scene of a ‘battle’. This tapestry is woven together by four threads or themes: war (and the warrior), initiation, Kali Yuga and askesis. War and the warrior Since the beginning of recorded history the theme of war has always occupied an important place in the minds [...]November 15, 2017
The Australian Aboriginal is a race so ancient that it is reputed to be a descendant of the Gods. Their pre-neolithic culture was alive, intact and undisturbed until merely two hundred years ago. Their mode of perception, in which all of the world is alive with spirit, is imprinted on their language and culture. The [...]May 14, 2017
One thing we know for certain is that death is waiting for us all. Something so natural and irrefutable, but still how much do we understand what that really means? How we see death is how we understand life. Searching for those answers is a quest that has accompanied men and women since time immemorial. [...]August 22, 2016
According to Mircea Eliade, the philosopher and historian of religion, shamanism is a technique of religious ecstasy. The word shaman is probably derived from the Tungusic root saman, which means ‘knowing’. What does the shaman know? Basically, shamans are priests, medicine men, singers, dancers, drummers, and they have many other skills as well; but what [...]