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The Way of the Warrior

Author: Kurush Dordi

April 26, 2015

“Chivalry is itself the poetry of life.” – Schlegel, Philosophy of History. Amidst the vibrant mythological tradition of Japan emerges an interesting story of creation that speaks of deities Izanami and Isanagi, who were instructed by the primordial gods to dip a spear into the celestial ocean. As they withdrew the spear, the drops that [...]

Can the End Really Justify the Means?

Author: Yaron Barzilay

April 20, 2015

Often when we come across this phrase, it is meant to emphasise the importance of bottom line results, disregarding the means used to achieve them, as if the path of our actions isn’t important at all; only the outcome is. Sometimes it is used in order to justify an unethical act with regards to a [...]

Leading a Fulfilling Life

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

March 27, 2015

We sometimes ask ourselves: what is life? What does it mean, for a philosopher, to live? The special mode of existence that has been afflicting the human being over the last few centuries has made us forget certain simple but important values, while their place has been taken by meaningless elements. This is why it [...]

Philosophical Activism: For Best Results Start at the Root

Author: Gilad Sommer

March 4, 2015

Many of us feel the need to take concrete action, with the hope that our children may have a better place to live in. However, without contemplating the deeper reasons for our problems, activism can become a Sisyphean task – acting repeatedly, without making any real change. Wangari Maathai, the late Kenyan Nobel prize winner, [...]

Images of Enlightenment – The Buddhist Mandala

Author: Agostino Dominici

February 1, 2015

Because many colourful collections of mandalas are easily accessible nowadays in public art museums as well as in digital art galleries, it is easy to fall into common misconceptions. These peculiar ‘objects’, which can easily be mistaken for some kind of ‘art- form’, are actually among the finest remnants of the practical occultism found in [...]

Tolerance and Fundamentalism

Author: Julian Scott

February 1, 2015

It seems strange that fundamentalism and fanaticism should be growing stronger in the 21st century when, according to past predictions, we should be entering an age of enlightened progress and rational understanding. But the rise of fundamentalism is due in part to the failure of rationalism to cater for humanity’s deeper spiritual needs. Fundamentalists have always existed. In [...]

How to Stop Worrying

Author: Gilad Sommer

January 31, 2015

The problem of worrying affects all human beings. Worry is a form of anxiety, created by repeating circular thoughts in regards to a possible future event. It is an expression of a mind which is out of control, and its repercussions are fatigue, distraction and the inability to be in the present moment. Nobody wants [...]

The Practice of Philosophy

Author: Fernando Schwarz

January 31, 2015

Philosophy, or love of wisdom, is not something abstract. It’s about how to understand life better and therefore how to live better, individually and collectively. We all have something deep within ourselves, but sometimes we’re afraid to look for it. It’s like diving within yourself to look for the inner gold. You need courage to [...]

Rumi: The Mystic

Author: Bhavna Roy

January 30, 2015

Eight centuries ago a culture of mystical Islam suffused the lands extending from modern day Turkey (Anatolia) to modern day Afghanistan and Iran (Khorasan); it was called Sufi Islam. Etymologically, the word ‘Sufi’ is derived from the Arabic word safa, meaning purity. Mystics of the order created a path towards attaining self-knowledge and god-realisation in [...]

City of Purification – Elephanta

Author: Harianto Mehta

January 29, 2015

Just a few kilometers off the Mumbai Harbor, nestled on an island, amidst basalt rock mounds, lay a mysterious complex of exquisite cave temples that whisper a silent homage to the region’s spiritual past. It’s tune inaudible to the nearby metropolis teeming with ambitious commerce, and ceaseless traffic, here the temple walls echo a stark [...]

Design of Thought & Movement

Author: Manjula Nanavati

January 29, 2015

An interview with Miti Desai. First publish in THE ACROPOLITAN Magazine (TA) Miti Desai is the founder and creative head of Miti Design Lab. A designer and classical dancer, Miti teaches as a visiting faculty at the Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology (Bengaluru, India) and at Sophia Polytechnic (Mumbai), and has personally created [...]

Ankor, the last prince of Atlantis – Book Review

Author: Manjula Nanavati

January 29, 2015

ANKOR, THE LAST PRINCE OF ATLANTIS BY Prof. Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi Many ancient traditions tell a story of an immense flood that destroyed a civilization that existed thousands of years ago; one that was perhaps far more technologically and spiritually advanced than we are today. Amongst them, Plato speaks of a vast continent called [...]