Showing 110 articles

A Revolution for the Future

Author: Pierre Poulain

April 17, 2017

It will not surprise anyone if we say that the world we are living in has become “global”. Although this globalization was initiated at the political and economic levels at the end of the second world war, it became subject to a huge acceleration at the end of the 20th century, first with the development [...]

Ulysses: The Mission to Return Home

Author: Sivan Barzilay

April 17, 2017

Are you familiar with those moments when it seems that life is talking to you, sending you some message, a direction? In the beginning, it might not seem very clear but with some extra observation and deeper investigation you become able to view the connection. And so, a few weeks ago, the name Ulysses came [...]

Morality, Philosophy and Spirituality

Author: Pinar Akhan

February 7, 2017

This article is based on a class given by the Honorary President of International Organisation New Acropolis, Delia Steinberg Guzmán, in November 2015. In it she explained that there are three levels through which human consciousness develops, by which we can come to understand ourselves and others better. These three concepts are not unfamiliar to [...]

Aristotle – the Ethics of Happiness

Author: Julian Scott

February 7, 2017

One of Aristotle’s most famous works is his Nicomachean Ethics, so called because the work was edited by Aristotle’s son Nicomachus. It is a curious fact that none of Aristotle’s surviving works were directly written by him. They are all compilations from his lecture notes, edited by his various students. This accounts for their often [...]

Philosophy for Living

Author: Yaron Barzilay

February 7, 2017

Today is a special day; it is the day that UNESCO marks as World Philosophy Day. It is great for us to be able to celebrate philosophy. Especially, since we shall also use the opportunity to launch a book written by Delia Steinberg Guzman (Honorary President of the International Organisation New Acropolis), titled Philosophy for [...]

A Revolution for the Future

Author: Pierre Poulain

December 26, 2016

Do we need to learn from History? On December 3rd I was sitting in front of my laptop, wondering what might be the theme of this article. I didn’t want to write about something that I didn’t believe was important or significant. Usually I let my intuition identify a subject, but on that day, this [...]

Living in Interbeing

Author: Sangeeta Iyer

September 23, 2016

In the journey of life as we grow in consciousness, we start to become aware of a certain truth that dawns on us as gently and as lovingly as the first rays of the rising Sun – that we are all ‘One Life’, deeply connected to each other in mystic and mysterious ways. James Cameron’s [...]

Living Together in Harmony

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

September 23, 2016

Those who are incapable of living in harmony with others are also incapable of living in harmony with themselves. What they can’t achieve when working with others they won’t achieve for themselves either. – Delia Steinberg Guzmán Human unity It is our conviction that the human soul is essentially one, so we cannot establish distinctions based [...]

Volunteering for True Change

Author: Trishya Screwvala

September 23, 2016

Winston Churchill famously said, “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give”. When we speak of volunteering today, we often think of people who have “more”, an abundance of knowledge or resources, sharing with those who we consider to have “less”. However, if we look at [...]

Education: To What End?

Author: Archana Samarth

September 23, 2016

“Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the make [...]

Know Your Virtues Unwrapping the Personality

Author: Nirit Kremer

August 23, 2016

Personal Note – Unwrapping the Personality I remember that when my dear father passed away, I went to my native place to participate in the ceremonies and spent precious time with my family and friends who came to console us. A lot of people came, shared their positive experiences with my father and their good memories [...]

A New Philosophy of Life and Death

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

August 22, 2016

Philosophy means “love of wisdom or knowledge”. It is a route illuminated by the sun of truth. Anything which does not respond to this essential characteristic is not philosophy, but mere speculation and alternative repetitions of what others have said, taking as much advantage of the old teachings as a spoon takes nourishment from and [...]