Showing 41 articles

Karl Jaspers: Philosopher of Otherness


August 16, 2017

The biography of Karl Jaspers gives an indication of the immense scope of his work. He began by studying law, then moved on to medicine, becoming a doctor specialising in psychiatry, and finally ended up as a professor of philosophy at the University of Heidelberg.   One of his first works was entitled Psychology of [...]

Morality, Philosophy and Spirituality

Author: Pinar Akhan

February 7, 2017

This article is based on a class given by the Honorary President of International Organisation New Acropolis, Delia Steinberg Guzmán, in November 2015. In it she explained that there are three levels through which human consciousness develops, by which we can come to understand ourselves and others better. These three concepts are not unfamiliar to [...]

Sacred Dance and Classical Indian Dance

Author: Miti Desai

February 7, 2017

All dance started with the yearning of the human spirit to move, but with the development of consciousness, expressed in civilisation, an additional element emerged: the idea that the purpose of human life is to grow, to evolve the consciousness, to transcend. But the makers of Indian civilisation realised that it is very difficult to [...]

Spirituality and Contemporary Mainstream Cinema

Author: Sukesh Motwani

February 7, 2017

“Who were you that I lived with, walked with? The brother, the friend? Strife and love, darkness and light…are they workings of one mind, features of the same face? Oh my soul. Let me be in you now. Look out through my eyes. Look out at the things you made. All things shining.” “Maybe all [...]

Living Together in Harmony

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

September 23, 2016

Those who are incapable of living in harmony with others are also incapable of living in harmony with themselves. What they can’t achieve when working with others they won’t achieve for themselves either. – Delia Steinberg Guzmán Human unity It is our conviction that the human soul is essentially one, so we cannot establish distinctions based [...]

In Search of Unity

Author: Yaron Barzilay

September 23, 2016

By investigating some ancient traditions from various places and various historical periods, it appears that the suggested path of man’s development is synonymous with the principle of Unity. The search for Truth, a higher reality, has often been presented as an ability to overcome the illusion of separation which causes man to act in contradiction [...]

The Philosophical Meaning of the Theory of Reincarnation

Author: Pierre Poulain

June 1, 2016

In most ancient civilizations – like in an important number of faiths – we find the idea of reincarnation, the process that follows physical death. Modern occidental cultures consider death as the opposite of life, and in logical consequence reject death. Death is considered an aim, a disaster, and today most of us are afraid [...]

Revival of the Renaissance

Author: Yaron Barzilay

January 20, 2016

Philosophy is an approach to life, a search for a way to try to live a little bit better, a little bit truer, everyday. But by what moral standards should we judge our actions? There is a difference between being immoral, and being amoral. Amoral means that there is no recognition of right and wrong [...]

In Conversation with Geshe Lhakdor

Author: Yaron Barzilay

October 7, 2015

During their grueling journey across the Himalayas, Tibetan refugees carried hundreds of manuscripts into India, often guarding them with their lives. Many of these precious texts were offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who founded the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala (India), dedicated to preserve and promote the Tibetan heritage. Today [...]

Thebes – Book Review

Author: Manjula Nanavati

May 2, 2015

THEBES, BY Prof. Jorge (giorgio) Angel Livraga Rizzi Perhaps no other civilization captures the imagination of intellectuals and dilettantes alike, as does Ancient Egypt. Arguably one of the earliest, longest lasting and most influential civilizations of history, it is recognized for its stupendous artistic, scientific, social, and spiritual achievements. In this slim volume Livraga gives [...]

What’s Easy and What’s Difficult?

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

October 4, 2014

We usually follow what is easy for us or what we master. However, Seneca argues: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult”. In order to grow, we have to face the unknown. Why wait? Easiness per se does not [...]

Personality Changes

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

October 4, 2014

In order to deal with some of the problems that afflict modern societies, a lot of research has been conducted into the changes that the human personality can undergo. Clearly, this is something that concerns us all. However, attempting to define the personality is a difficult and complex task and, for the same reason, it’s [...]