January 22, 2024
At time when we are increasingly in search of the light, for the good… perhaps Philosophy can offer answers. World Philosophy Day was initiated by UNESCO in 2002, as a means to revive the value and need of Philosophy in improving our world, by bettering ourselves. But can Philosophy really improve our world? A famous [...]January 3, 2022
First published in The Indian Express on 18th Nov 2021 As we begin to step out after almost two years of being largely confined to our homes, the occasion of World Philosophy Day today offers an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we faced, and the value and need of philosophy in these unprecedented times. [...]December 13, 2021
As a result of the number of adverse situations we have to face, many health professionals are having to propose solutions to deal with the ever-increasing number of cases of uncontrolled and unmanageable emotions, depressions or, on a smaller scale, states of anxiety. It is interesting that this has led us to turn to the [...]May 2, 2021
We live at a time in history – which is everybody’s life – when events are accelerating unstoppably, and often give us the impression that they are completely beyond our powers. We know that the duration of time varies in accordance with the inner state with which we measure it. For this reason, neither in [...]January 13, 2019
We have made great advances in mainstream medicine, and have at our disposal more technology and research than ever before. This has enabled us to make great strides in diagnosis and treatment. This progress, however, has its pitfalls as well. Specialty and super-specialty are causing doctors to lose a holistic view of patients. Rather than [...]April 30, 2017
What are personal problems? Evidently, they are those that afflict the personality, that is, the whole range of physical, vital, emotional and mental expressions. Without underestimating the pain associated with an illness or a more or less permanent physical disorder, emotional circumstances are the most decisive ones, to the point that they are the ones [...]April 27, 2017
As a logical consequence of the demands of our technological civilization, which is based on the quality and performance of its products, people have finally begun to look at the human being as the main factor in any model of civilization, whether technological or otherwise. It is now increasingly understood and accepted that the greater [...]February 7, 2017
One of Aristotle’s most famous works is his Nicomachean Ethics, so called because the work was edited by Aristotle’s son Nicomachus. It is a curious fact that none of Aristotle’s surviving works were directly written by him. They are all compilations from his lecture notes, edited by his various students. This accounts for their often [...]September 23, 2016
Activist, Author, Academic. Environmentalist, Humanist, Visionary. Satish Kumar believes that the spiritual aspect of our ecosystem has been lost in modern environmental debates, and has been replaced by systemic violence; towards the land, animals, mankind, and even towards ourselves. He maintains that reverence for nature is the only thread that can mend and weave together [...]January 26, 2016
When we look around our world today we see an evident change in the last 50 years. Since the post-war reconstruction era that drove mass industrialisation and development of the economies of Western Europe and America, the focus has gradually shifted to developing economies and the flow of wealth has started reaching the shores of [...]October 7, 2015
I was in Marseilles, in France, last December. I was presenting a special photographic exhibition about “Paradoxes” at the opening of a congress organized by the International Institute Hermes, for the 2400 year anniversary of the Academy of Plato. At the end of the congress, Fernando Schwarz, the director of the Hermes Institute gave a [...]August 19, 2015
Every period in life as in the life of a society as a whole, can be characterized through different aspects: social, economic, scientific, educational and others. Every period is different from the previous one and from the following one, because everything changes with time… If we consider the social-psychological perspective of the actual period, we [...]