Showing 594 articles

Akbar, The Great Enigma

Author: Manjula Nanavati

November 7, 2021

During the Renaissance, while Europe was experiencing a gigantic shift of ideas in almost every aspect of knowledge, in India, was born a man who, as Emperor of Hindustan, would use his indomitable courage and a restless search for wisdom to weave a similarly audacious social, political, and spiritual vision in the Indian subcontinent. His [...]

Mastering the Bow

Author: Harianto Mehta

November 7, 2021

Yogastha Kuru Karmani First establish being in yourself, and only then perform action. Introduction Amidst a series of mystical verses compiled in the Bhagavad Gita, this is one of the fundamental instructions that Krishna transmits to a distraught Arjuna, when faced with the prospect of killing his own cousins in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, in [...]


Author: Nuphar Tavor

September 28, 2021

We are so busy trying to build ourselves a permanent, stable, comfortable life environment. Our steady job, the people we meet, the things we do when we are not at work. Stability is very important to us, perhaps to every living creature. We need reassurance that tomorrow will look more or less like yesterday and [...]

The Darshanas: Six Schools of Indian Philosophy

Author: Manjula Nanavati

August 25, 2021

“Truth is one. Sages call it by different names.” – Rig Veda The six darshanas are philosophical systems, or schools of thought, that take their authority from the Vedas.  As implied by the meaning of the word darshana, to see or to experience, the six disciplines offer unique points of view, six separate windows from [...]

A Parent’s Search for New Education

Author: Riddhi Patel

August 25, 2021

What is it about a musician or a doctor that makes him more than a simple technician, one that has developed an expert ability to discharge a particular skill? Beyond the mechanics of these professions, we may find a sincere pursuit of something higher; values such as Beauty, Harmony and Goodness. This came to light [...]

The Story of Cinderella – An Inner Voyage

Author: Akanksha Sanghi

August 25, 2021

I recently had the opportunity to investigate my all-time favourite fairytale, Cinderella, in a new light. I realised that we can infact extract very practical principles to apply in our daily lives. But for this, we need to look at the story that we are so familiar with, through a new lens, leaving behind our [...]

Unshackling My Chains

Author: Sukesh Motwani

August 25, 2021

In my younger years, I would often wonder about the idea of enlightenment. There has been a fascination about how I could ever reach a point where my mind would merge into, or become united with, the Cosmic Mind; to acquire, to realise, or to experience, what some might call, the ultimate Truth. But I [...]

Music and I

Author: Kurush Dordi

June 29, 2021

Today we live in a world dominated by thousands of music streaming apps catering to a variety of genres. Although Pop, Rock, Jazz, Hip hop, and Electronic Dance Music are all popular, for me Western Classical Music is the shining jewel of the treasure box. It has its own language, awakens emotions, and rehabilitates me [...]

Response in Times of Crisis

Author: Anand Baskaran

June 19, 2021

Across the globe, we are all living through interesting times, and these unique times are certainly powerful – both in our lives, as well as in human history. From different corners, across multiple forums, I am sure each of us has in the recent weeks and months heard others or indeed ourselves, say: “What a [...]

In Search of Certainty

Author: Suchita Tirkey

June 19, 2021

Heraclitus, a Pre-Socratic philosopher of ancient Greece, famously said “you cannot step into the same river twice” implying that everything is constantly flowing like the waters of a river, in movement always, intrinsic to the process of evolution. Following this law of nature, life too is in constant flow, travelling like the river through beautiful [...]

Winter- Inspiration for the Inner Journey of the Philosopher

Author: Anand Baskaran

June 19, 2021

Winter is here! Across the northern hemisphere, winter has taken hold. Bangaloreans have brought out their warm clothes, there is a definite nip in the air. In many other parts of the country and the world, winters are harsher, and far more measures are required to counter the chill. To a greater or a lesser [...]

The Art of Healing and Evidence Based Medicine

Author: S. Goodall

May 13, 2021

Healing practices have been recorded for millennia across cultures and geographies. Ever since sickness has existed, human beings have developed many different methods and systems to try and facilitate healing, many of them differing in their understanding, approaches and aims. Medicine has always been considered partly science and partly art. Part of medicine deals with [...]