Showing 419 articles

Meeting Kahlil Gibran

Author: Shraddha Shetty

April 17, 2020

When I was very young, I came across a book called The Prophet, by poet, painter, thinker, but perhaps above all, a philosopher, Kahlil Gibran. I clearly remember a sense of mystery; the existence of truths about myself, beyond the known. I did not know what I was searching for, but it awakened in me [...]

A Time for Philosophy

Author: Yaron Barzilay

April 17, 2020

According to legend the word Philosophy can be attributed to Pythagoras who spoke of himself as a philosopher, a lover of wisdom, rather than a Wise man as he had been called by others. Of course, the word Philo-Sophy, the Love of Wisdom, does not give Pythagoras any innovation rights over the concept; there always [...]

The Cancer of Separatism

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

April 17, 2020

When we argued some years ago in our writings and lectures that a new Middle Ages was approaching, the prediction seemed exaggerated and almost fatalistic. We also explained at the time that the repetition of historical cycles did not necessarily have to be seen as a calamity or regression, but as part of the natural [...]

The Universe as an Answer

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

March 8, 2020

We often speak about the stars, the planets, the animals, the sky, the Earth, water or snow and we forget the real sense and meaning of the word Universe. Man asks himself questions about the whole of Nature, of which he himself is a part, but he tends to lose the central idea to which [...]

Women in Myths

Author: Margarita Dominguez

January 22, 2020

In myths we can find the archetypes that can guide our life and help us discover our soul. In the case of goddesses, these can reveal to women the primordial forces of the spiritual world and help us to understand the inner being that characterizes our female complexity. Jorge Angel Livraga, founder of New Acropolis, [...]

When Does a Renaissance Start? The meaning of the Annunciation

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

January 22, 2020

History is rich with inspiring examples of the human spirit flourishing. One of the strongest among them is the Renaissance. It generated a change in the perception of the world and provided a new understanding of the human being, reviving the idea of interconnection between the Macrocosm (the Universe/divine) and the Microcosm (the human being). [...]

Shall We Talk About Collapsology?

Author: Sabine Leitner

January 15, 2020

History teaches us that civilizations rise and fall; since they are born, they will also eventually die. Some die a dramatic death; others simply fade out and become gradually replaced by others. It makes sense to study how past cultures and civilizations died and see what we can learn from it. These days, you can [...]

Esoteric Influences in the Work of William Blake

Author: Julian Scott

January 15, 2020

Many of the world’s great artists were inspired by the perennial, esoteric or occult philosophy and their works of art express timeless truths that continue to speak to our intuitions. The artist and poet William Blake is no exception, but it is not easy to locate him within the esoteric tradition, because he was subject [...]

A Deeper Understanding of Myth: The Contribution of Mircea Eliade

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

January 15, 2020

Nowadays myth is sometimes perceived as something opposed to reality – a fictional tale without connection to real life. Such an understanding has existed for quite a while, having its roots in the ancient world. It was especially prominent in the 19th century, when myth was considered as a primitive outdated counterpart to science or [...]

The Symbolism of Sumo

Author: Tom Moran

November 30, 2019

Sumo is a form of wrestling that expresses the Japanese Shinto religion. It has at its heart principles of dignity and courtesy, and as well as being Japan’s national sport it is also a religious ritual. The Sumo wrestlers, called Rikishi, may look big and cumbersome but winning fights involves a combination of strength, agility, [...]

The Sun in Celtic Mythology

Author: Pinar Akhan

November 30, 2019

“There is an earthly sun, which is the cause of all heat, and all who are able to see may see the sun, and those who are blind and cannot see him may feel his heat. There is an eternal sun, which is the source of all wisdom, and those whose spiritual senses have awakened [...]

The Symbolism of the Chinese Dragon

Author: Agostino Dominici

November 30, 2019

The Chinese Dragon is the most ancient and most important mythological and esoteric symbol of China. The origins of this symbol are lost in the mists of time. In China, artefacts depicting dragons have been unearthed which date back to the fifth millennium BC. It is said that the ancient people of China saw themselves [...]