October 23, 2022
In March this year, the British Journal of Medicine, one of the oldest and most respected peer-reviewed journals in the field of medicine, published an article called “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine”. In a nutshell, the article argues that “evidence-based medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation, and commercialisation of academia.” The [...]June 27, 2022
“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” This startling revelation often attributed to the physicist and Nobel laureate, Albert Einstein (1), although it has been hotly debated (2), opens our eyes to how essential bees are – as, perhaps, is each and every [...]June 6, 2022
There is a plague that is wreaking havoc in our cities these days, causing distress, pain, and fear. I’m not talking about COVID, but about the pestilence of crime. In the United States it has been a political issue for big city mayors for many decades, much thought and money has been thrown at the [...]May 10, 2022
Fear is a sudden interruption of the reasoning process. The first thing that happens to us when we feel fear is that we lose the ability to rationalize any situation whatsoever. But is rationalization necessary when we don’t know what is happening? Generally, when something happens, we form a prejudice, we think a kind of [...]April 18, 2022
In recent years, philosophy has become more popular as a school subject because of its usefulness for teaching logic and reasoning. In some cases, the subject of philosophy has become almost completely reduced to the sole purpose of ‘critical thinking’. Which is quite funny because, apparently (according to AskPhilosophy), philosophy had previously been avoided in [...]April 18, 2022
What is thought? From a materialistic point of view it is just an accidental result of biological evolution, the reaction of the brain to certain stimuli from the environment. But for many thinkers, such an explanation is inadequate, in view of the immense richness and complexity of human thought. An alternative explanation of the mysteries [...]January 27, 2022
Last year was a time of hardship and difficulty. We encountered new challenges and trials that made us question ourselves in the face of fear and anxiety. These fears can be catalysts for change. Let us look at an example from our youth. When we were young, we believed things that were not true. An [...]January 3, 2022
I am not referring to your Divine Spirit which, because it is so, can neither grow nor diminish, be born nor die, but to that higher part in us which we commonly call Soul. It is common knowledge that physical exercise, for example, develops muscles, and that any learning must be based on tenacity in [...]December 13, 2021
As a result of the number of adverse situations we have to face, many health professionals are having to propose solutions to deal with the ever-increasing number of cases of uncontrolled and unmanageable emotions, depressions or, on a smaller scale, states of anxiety. It is interesting that this has led us to turn to the [...]August 25, 2021
What is it about a musician or a doctor that makes him more than a simple technician, one that has developed an expert ability to discharge a particular skill? Beyond the mechanics of these professions, we may find a sincere pursuit of something higher; values such as Beauty, Harmony and Goodness. This came to light [...]August 25, 2021
In my younger years, I would often wonder about the idea of enlightenment. There has been a fascination about how I could ever reach a point where my mind would merge into, or become united with, the Cosmic Mind; to acquire, to realise, or to experience, what some might call, the ultimate Truth. But I [...]June 19, 2021
Across the globe, we are all living through interesting times, and these unique times are certainly powerful – both in our lives, as well as in human history. From different corners, across multiple forums, I am sure each of us has in the recent weeks and months heard others or indeed ourselves, say: “What a [...]