Showing 70 articles

Interview with Carlos Adelantado, International President of New Acropolis

Author: International Organisation New Acropolis

September 11, 2022

Introduction  New Acropolis is an international organisation that promotes an ideal of timeless values. Its aim is to contribute to the development of individuals and societies through its work in the fields of philosophy, culture and volunteering. New Acropolis is present in over 50 countries across the five continents and has more than 400 centres [...]

Philosophy and Astronomy – The Invisible Link

Author: Maria Ines Gomes

April 21, 2022

This article has not been written as a treatise about Astronomy neither about Philosophy. This is only an effort to show how the study of  the planetary system can be related with human life. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Mankind, since he acquired consciousness, realized that there is a world of changes, sensations, [...]

Other ways of “Thinking”

Author: Sabine Leitner

April 18, 2022

In recent years, philosophy has become more popular as a school subject because of its usefulness for teaching logic and reasoning. In some cases, the subject of philosophy has become almost completely reduced to the sole purpose of ‘critical thinking’. Which is quite funny because, apparently (according to AskPhilosophy), philosophy had previously been avoided in [...]

The METAVERSE, A Philosophical Perspective

Author: Ilanit Adar

March 28, 2022

The Challenges of our Current Reality Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, many aspects of the reality that we have been accustomed to, have changed. All at once, reality has become an unstable and inconvenient place to live in. Many of our basic needs for social gathering and human interaction became very limited. This [...]

Are we all Culturally Appropriating?

Author: Gilad Sommer

February 8, 2022

The concept of cultural appropriation originated in academic circles in the 1980s. In the last decade, it had gained popularity, especially in the US, aiming to give autonomy to minority populations and to prevent the use of cultural elements to denigrate these populations and reinforce prejudice. Nevertheless, like many other things in the political correctness [...]

Living Philosophy: How Words of Plato and Marcus Aurelius are Relevant Today

Author: Trishya Screwvala

January 3, 2022

First published in The Indian Express on 18th Nov 2021 As we begin to step out after almost two years of being largely confined to our homes, the occasion of World Philosophy Day today offers an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we faced, and the value and need of philosophy in these unprecedented times. [...]

For Your Soul to Grow

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

January 3, 2022

I am not referring to your Divine Spirit which, because it is so, can neither grow nor diminish, be born nor die, but to that higher part in us which we commonly call Soul. It is common knowledge that physical exercise, for example, develops muscles, and that any learning must be based on tenacity in [...]


Author: Nuphar Tavor

September 28, 2021

We are so busy trying to build ourselves a permanent, stable, comfortable life environment. Our steady job, the people we meet, the things we do when we are not at work. Stability is very important to us, perhaps to every living creature. We need reassurance that tomorrow will look more or less like yesterday and [...]

Unshackling My Chains

Author: Sukesh Motwani

August 25, 2021

In my younger years, I would often wonder about the idea of enlightenment. There has been a fascination about how I could ever reach a point where my mind would merge into, or become united with, the Cosmic Mind; to acquire, to realise, or to experience, what some might call, the ultimate Truth. But I [...]

Reviving a Culture of Human Values

Author: Zarina Screwvala

March 31, 2021

The New Acropolis Culture Circle explores the diverse expressions of culture through a series of intimate and interactive presentations, in an attempt to revive the spiritual essence that forms the basis of all classical art and culture. Far from being definitive, this article is an attempt to share a synthesis of my learning from some of the [...]

Reflections of the Fall

Author: Tushar Sawant

February 28, 2021

2020 has been a tumultuous year. We are dealing with a quarantine instigated by a global pandemic and the quietude such isolation can provide us, in addition to the clamor of civil uprisings incited by a myriad of injustices. Whether we have experienced great tragedy or merely bore witness to the absurdity of our condition, [...]

It’s Not About Producing Antibodies

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

December 9, 2020

We live in a polluted world, and we have become used to it. The level of environmental pollution, especially in large cities, increases day by day, but because we cannot abandon them as our obligations are still anchored there, we have simply adapted to this situation. Our bodies have produced antibodies, and almost naturally, we [...]