Showing 6 articles

Philosophy and Astronomy – The Invisible Link

Author: Maria Ines Gomes

April 21, 2022

This article has not been written as a treatise about Astronomy neither about Philosophy. This is only an effort to show how the study of  the planetary system can be related with human life. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Mankind, since he acquired consciousness, realized that there is a world of changes, sensations, [...]

Myths of Africa: Deepening our Understanding of Life and Death

Author: Siobhan Farrar

October 1, 2020

Africa is a vast continent with many different peoples and a diverse diaspora whose cultural and spiritual heritage has often been misunderstood and misrepresented through colonial and Western perspectives. The ability to move past assumptions and conditioning always presents a challenge, which requires that we aim to see the essence of human life and experience. [...]

The Universe as an Answer

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

March 8, 2020

We often speak about the stars, the planets, the animals, the sky, the Earth, water or snow and we forget the real sense and meaning of the word Universe. Man asks himself questions about the whole of Nature, of which he himself is a part, but he tends to lose the central idea to which [...]

More than Melody – Boethius’ Music of the Spheres

Author: Siobhan Farrar

August 27, 2017

The Music of the Spheres begins in Ancient Greece with Pythagoras who, upon passing a blacksmiths is said to have heard consonance in the different sounds of the hammer. By this he was inspired to discover the connection between vibration, frequencies and pitch. For Pythagoras the octave ratio of 1:2 is considered a symbol of [...]

Architecting the Invisible

Author: Kurush Dordi

October 24, 2015

When architects design a building in our times, they share the plan of a proposed building and get the client to approve its design, based on which the building is then taken up for construction. But how do you design a building when your client is divine, or in the invisible? In spite of magnificent [...]

The Symbolism of the Angels

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

May 13, 2014

Angels are regarded as invisible messengers, inhabitants of Heaven, beings of light and symbols of lightness as well as fire and martial power. Angels have always been present in the imagination of man. All civilizations admit the existence of these beneficent spiritual beings that collaborate with the Creator, according to their rank in the celestial [...]