Showing 250 articles

The Symbolism of Chess

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 22, 2014

Though the origin of the game of chess is still unknown and mysterious, it is quite certain that it originated in the East, though it is the West that became infatuated with it. We also know that, in its beginnings, the game of chess was part of the strategy of war and was therefore applied [...]

The Three Princes of Serendip

Author: Anonymous

August 22, 2014

“In ancient times there existed in the country of Serendippo, in the Far East, a great and powerful king by the name of Giaffer. He had three sons who were very dear to him. And being a good father and very concerned about their education, he decided that he had to leave them endowed not [...]

Forty Years Fighting Racism and Intolerance

Author: John Gilbert

August 8, 2014

A century with no solidarity One of the worst plagues that the twentieth century has had to bear is racial discrimination. It has not only plunged over half of the human population into oblivion and poverty, but during the periods of greatest alienation, it has also led to the systematic extinction of certain minorities. When [...]

The Crisis of Western Education and the Role of Philosophy

Author: Sabine Leitner

August 8, 2014

Introduction In the developed world, the standards of literacy, numeracy, general knowledge and behaviour are falling. Millions of young people have also become disaffected from school and, despite the fact that previous generations have fought hard to make what was once a privilege of the rich accessible to all, do not see much point in [...]

The Occult Philosophy in the English Renaissance

Author: Julian Scott

August 5, 2014

The official history we learn at school or read in most books gives us only a partial view of reality and leaves out things that do not fit into the prevailing view. A case in point is the English Renaissance and its links with occultism. The standard history of that age tells us of the [...]

An Opera in Stone: Hampi

Author: Manjula Nanavati

August 4, 2014

Libretto Hampi’s history melds so seamlessly into legend that it is difficult to establish where one ends and the other begins. This tiny hamlet lay nestled within the area known as Kishkinda which, according to the Hindu epic Ramayana, was the realm of the Monkey Gods. Following Ravan’s abduction of Sita, Ram and Lakshman arrived [...]

How to solve the economic crisis: Initiatives inspired by the teachings of Plato and Confucius

Author: James H Lee

August 4, 2014

The modern liberal economic system has proven incapable of solving the economic and financial crises in the world,using traditional solutions. Initiatives undertaken by brave men and women whose creativity and determination inspired by timeless teachings of Plato and Confucius are showing the way. The term “State” initiated by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 (1) [...]

The Symbolism of the Ring

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

July 22, 2014

The ring is above all the symbol of a bond, an alliance or a vow. The hole in the middle of the ring channels the celestial influence, the breath of God that seals the pact. The hole is the receptacle for the energy that makes the wheel of destiny turn. The ring is the symbol [...]

The Symbolism of the Ankh

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

July 22, 2014

The Ankh is a cross. The symbol of the cross is extremely complex and has manifold meanings.  We find it in all religions and cultures as the representation of Man, at the point of convergence of Earth and Heaven. The Ankh is the ansate cross of ancient Egyptians. It is the key of life and [...]

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Author: Anonymous

July 21, 2014

Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theatre or the chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for [...]

The Birth of Sri Krishna

Author: Anonymous

July 21, 2014

Mother Earth, unable to bear the burden of sins committed by evil kings and rulers, appealed to Brahma, the Creator for help. Brahma prayed to the Supreme Lord Vishnu, who assured him that he would soon be born on earth to annihilate tyrannical forces. One such evil force was Kamsa, the ruler of Mathura (in [...]

The Thirteenth Floor

Author: Anonymous

July 1, 2014

The Thirteenth Floor is a 1999 movie directed by Josef Rusnak and a co-production of Germany and the United States. The story is based on the novel by Daniel Galouve, “Simulacron 3” (1964). The old tradition in Oriental philosophy teaches a fundamental principle that says that everything in our world is “Maya”, a lie, an [...]