Showing 250 articles

Sport Hunting – a Consensual Crime

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

April 3, 2021

Since the earliest times our current level of research can reach, man has made hunting one of his primary activities. Human groups, today considered primitive (although there is a reasonable possibility that they are actually the worn-down remains of other civilizations, which having completed their biological cycle have been buried in an oblivion that is [...]

Naad Yoga: The Search for Silence

Author: Manjula Nanavati

March 31, 2021

Many ancient traditions unequivocally describe the role of sound in the divine process of creation. The Bible declares, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. (1) Hindu and Buddhist traditions believe that OM is the sound of creation, of the unmanifest diversifying into all the [...]

Battle of Identity

Author: Ambuj Dixit

March 31, 2021

Is it not ironic that while we love the blossoming life, we try to avoid the very process that leads to the blossoming – the process of challenges. It seems to me that the purpose of human life is to grow. When I look back at the moments or the phases through which I have [...]

Reviving a Culture of Human Values

Author: Zarina Screwvala

March 31, 2021

The New Acropolis Culture Circle explores the diverse expressions of culture through a series of intimate and interactive presentations, in an attempt to revive the spiritual essence that forms the basis of all classical art and culture. Far from being definitive, this article is an attempt to share a synthesis of my learning from some of the [...]

The Right to Speak Right

Author: Gilad Sommer

January 16, 2021

The topic of freedom of speech has been much in the news in recent years. On one hand, there are those who view the freedom of speech as an inalienable sacred right (especially when it comes to their own speech…) that should not be infringed upon by other people, institutions, governments or corporations, regardless of [...]

An Esoteric Interpretation of the Arabian Nights

Author: Ania Hajost

January 7, 2021

When the breeze of a joyful dawn blew free In the silken sail of infancy, The tide of time flow’d back with me, The forward-flowing tide of time; And many a sheeny summer-morn, Adown the Tigris I was borne, By Bagdat’s shrines of fretted gold, High-walled gardens green and old; True Mussulman was I and [...]

The Seven Kings of Rome

Author: Agostino Dominici

January 7, 2021

The period known as the Roman Kingdom with its seven kings represents the time when the seeds of an emerging civilisation were firmly planted in the “Italian” soil. There is a growing academic consensus that the seven kings of Rome were all real historical figures, including Rome’s founder Romulus. This doesn’t mean that all the [...]

Ubuntu: I Am Because We Are

Author: Manjula Nanavati

December 27, 2020

One of the foundations of how we conceptualize our sense of self today, perhaps came from the 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes’ most famous maxim, cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am. Taken to an extreme that Descartes himself may never have meant, we are conditioned to prioritize self-interest, applaud the pursuit of [...]

The Rise and Fall of Mayan Civilization

Author: NA El Salvador

December 9, 2020

The people of Mayan society built large cities, sumptuous temples, and towering pyramids. At its peak, around 900 AD, the population was estimated at about 200 people per Sq km in rural areas, and more than 800 people per sq km in cities (comparable to the modern Los Angeles County). This vibrant “Classic Period” of [...]

Titian: Combining the Sensual with the Divine

Author: Siobhan Farrar

November 19, 2020

Titian (c. 1488-1576) is arguably the greatest Venetian painter of the Italian Renaissance, who earned European-wide fame and recognition during his own lifetime. The collection of paintings referred to as his ‘poesies’ (a name he coined himself) delineate poetic pictures or poetry produced in painting and draw upon the Roman poet Ovid’s classic epic, Metamorphoses [...]

The Dance of Life

Author: Trishya Screwvala

October 14, 2020

Dance is a universal language that transcends geography and time; it is a means to express sentiments that cannot be captured in words. Although forms of dance differ across cultures, the aspiration of a true dancer always seems to remain the same – to assimilate and internalize principles of beauty, harmony and grace through movement [...]

A Diary of a Struggling Ecologist

Author: Ubai Husein

October 14, 2020

This journey started with my love for food, which prompted me to pursue a degree in Culinary Arts. There, in addition to simply cooking, I was introduced to the various aspects about growing and producing food before it enters the kitchen, including the entire mechanism of factory farming and the resulting destruction caused to the [...]