Showing 256 articles

A Parent’s Search for New Education

Author: Riddhi Patel

August 25, 2021

What is it about a musician or a doctor that makes him more than a simple technician, one that has developed an expert ability to discharge a particular skill? Beyond the mechanics of these professions, we may find a sincere pursuit of something higher; values such as Beauty, Harmony and Goodness. This came to light [...]

The Story of Cinderella – An Inner Voyage

Author: Akanksha Sanghi

August 25, 2021

I recently had the opportunity to investigate my all-time favourite fairytale, Cinderella, in a new light. I realised that we can infact extract very practical principles to apply in our daily lives. But for this, we need to look at the story that we are so familiar with, through a new lens, leaving behind our [...]

Music and I

Author: Kurush Dordi

June 29, 2021

Today we live in a world dominated by thousands of music streaming apps catering to a variety of genres. Although Pop, Rock, Jazz, Hip hop, and Electronic Dance Music are all popular, for me Western Classical Music is the shining jewel of the treasure box. It has its own language, awakens emotions, and rehabilitates me [...]

Art and Philosophical Ideals

Author: Rasha Kawar

May 13, 2021

Art has the ability to elevate us. In equal measure it can provoke, disturb, and challenge us. Art can do many things, but perhaps at its best it can connect us not only to each other, but also to something higher, a more perfect ideal beyond the realm of the material. There are many lenses [...]

The Power of Sound

Author: Paul Cummings

May 12, 2021

Paying attention to what you hear is a way to relax. The sounds of nature provide a great deal of meditational calmness, such as listening to the rolling of ocean waves or bird song in the garden. Our ancestors strived to achieve entering altered states of mind by making sounds. They did this by chanting [...]

Racism, a Product of Modernity

Author: Fernando Schwarz

April 11, 2021

Racism can be expressed and experienced on different levels. Not knowing how to value another race or another religion is part of an ethical conception of racism. This is a relatively recent phenomenon. It appears in the Renaissance and especially develops in the 18th and 19th centuries. Non acceptance has always existed; in this regard, [...]

Fear and the Stages of Life

Author: Carlos Adelantado

April 4, 2021

We live in a world of lasers, particle accelerators, satellite image transmission, mainframe computers and microchips, and many other things so unique to this era. At the same time, however, we live with our desires, passions, defects and virtues, with our universal and timeless fears, typical of every human being and of all times. And [...]

Sport Hunting – a Consensual Crime

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

April 3, 2021

Since the earliest times our current level of research can reach, man has made hunting one of his primary activities. Human groups, today considered primitive (although there is a reasonable possibility that they are actually the worn-down remains of other civilizations, which having completed their biological cycle have been buried in an oblivion that is [...]

Naad Yoga: The Search for Silence

Author: Manjula Nanavati

March 31, 2021

Many ancient traditions unequivocally describe the role of sound in the divine process of creation. The Bible declares, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. (1) Hindu and Buddhist traditions believe that OM is the sound of creation, of the unmanifest diversifying into all the [...]

Battle of Identity

Author: Ambuj Dixit

March 31, 2021

Is it not ironic that while we love the blossoming life, we try to avoid the very process that leads to the blossoming – the process of challenges. It seems to me that the purpose of human life is to grow. When I look back at the moments or the phases through which I have [...]

Reviving a Culture of Human Values

Author: Zarina Screwvala

March 31, 2021

The New Acropolis Culture Circle explores the diverse expressions of culture through a series of intimate and interactive presentations, in an attempt to revive the spiritual essence that forms the basis of all classical art and culture. Far from being definitive, this article is an attempt to share a synthesis of my learning from some of the [...]

The Right to Speak Right

Author: Gilad Sommer

January 16, 2021

The topic of freedom of speech has been much in the news in recent years. On one hand, there are those who view the freedom of speech as an inalienable sacred right (especially when it comes to their own speech…) that should not be infringed upon by other people, institutions, governments or corporations, regardless of [...]