Showing 419 articles

Astrology in the Renaissance

Author: Agostino Dominici

July 6, 2022

The European Renaissance was a period in history in which important philosophical ideas and teachings derived from antiquity witnessed a rebirth. In this period of eclecticism and creativity in which many ancient ideas were re-formulated the human being took central stage. Thus a sentiment of ‘rebirth of the human spirit’ took form within various disciplines: [...]

Many Cultures, One Humanity

Author: Sabine Leitner

July 6, 2022

A few years ago, I watched the documentary Babies by Thomas Balmes. It follows the first year of the lives of four babies from Mongolia, Japan, California and Namibia. The film does not contain any narration, it just lets the images speak for themselves, presenting the huge contrast that exists between these four cultures. It [...]

The Theory of Platonic Forms and the Most Beautiful

Author: Miha Kosir

July 6, 2022

The theory of Forms or Ideas is a piece of a larger puzzle that can help us to understand how we have come from singularity to multiplicity, yet still retain a connection with the One, how this world is created and ultimately what is reality. To truly understand one piece of a puzzle we have [...]

Rethinking Contemporary Art in the Anthropocene – Planetary Aesthetics

Author: Siobhan Farrar

July 6, 2022

‘Anthropocene’ is the term given to our post-industrial epoch, whereby human activity has irrevocably altered the planet and its environment. The ascent of the anthropocene poses challenges across all areas of life, leading to species loss and looming existential crisis for humanity. For artists, being less tangibly involved in solutions compared to other sciences, it [...]

The Fate of Empires

Author: Gilad Sommer

July 4, 2022

In 1976, at the age of 79, after a lifetime of service in the British army where he held high commands and fraternized with presidents and kings, Lieutenant General John Bagot Glubb, a.k.a Glubb Pasha, wrote a short but penetrating essay about the life cycle of superpowers called “The Fate of Empires”. In this small [...]

Gitanjali by Tagore: An Investigation

Author: Prof. Ananda Lal

June 27, 2022

On 29th March 2021, The New Acropolis Culture Circle conducted an online session on Rabindranath Tagore’s Nobel Prize-winning work Gitanjali, with Prof. Ananda Lal. An authority on Tagore, he retired as Professor of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and directs Writers Workshop, the oldest continuing publisher of Indian poetry in English. The professor’s doctoral thesis had [...]

Crime – Can we Do Something about it?

Author: Gilad Sommer

June 6, 2022

There is a plague that is wreaking havoc in our cities these days, causing distress, pain, and fear. I’m not talking about COVID, but about the pestilence of crime. In the United States it has been a political issue for big city mayors for many decades, much thought and money has been thrown at the [...]

The Gurukul Tradition of Ancient India

Author: Manjula Nanavati

May 25, 2022

Indian philosophy holds that the universe is not confined to what is apparent to our sense perceptions, and that the Ultimate Reality is veiled from us, by a curtain that maroons us in ignorance and illusion. Accordingly, the main purpose of education in ancient India was to pierce this curtain in order to experience the [...]

Philosophy of Education

Author: Julian Scott

May 25, 2022

Napoleon once declared, “Of all political questions, education is perhaps the most important.” Undoubtedly, education is important from a political perspective because it has a major effect on the development of the citizen. But what about its value for the individual? Perhaps both of these facets are equally important and, as Aristotle pointed out, ethics [...]

The Study of (Western) Esotericism

Author: Agostino Dominici

May 16, 2022

We live in the so called Information Age in which any kind of knowledge is at our fingertips. Topics which fall under the categories of ‘esoteric’, ‘metaphysical’ or ‘occult’ have never been easier to reach. Hundreds of research papers on these topics can be freely downloaded on various online platforms (e.g., while thousands of [...]

The Educational Value of Folk Tales

Author: Pinar Akhan

April 30, 2022

It is now a well-known fact that reading or telling stories to children starting from a young age has many developmental benefits. Just to name a few: stories can help to improve language and communication skills, develop the child’s brain with the ability to focus, help with associating and expressing their feelings, learning about the [...]

Philosophy and Astronomy – The Invisible Link

Author: Maria Ines Gomes

April 21, 2022

This article has not been written as a treatise about Astronomy neither about Philosophy. This is only an effort to show how the study of  the planetary system can be related with human life. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Mankind, since he acquired consciousness, realized that there is a world of changes, sensations, [...]