Showing 238 articles

Improvisation in Art and Life

Author: Natalia Lema

March 8, 2018

According to Stephen Nachmanovitch, an American improvisational violinist, improvisation can be used as a tool to aid creativity, which will lead us into a joyful journey. Bach and Mozart were great examples of this approach and were highly imaginative improvisers. The word ‘improvisation’ implies, on the one hand, an absence of preparation. But it also [...]

Lame Deer, the Lakota Shaman

Author: Istvan Orban

March 8, 2018

“We Sioux spend a lot of time thinking about everyday things, which in our mind are mixed up with the spiritual. We see in the world around us many symbols that teach us the meaning of life.” – So claimed Lame Deer, who was known as John Fire and lived in the 20th century. He [...]

A climate change we do urgently need!

Author: Sabine Leitner

March 8, 2018

Imagine what it must be like to go to work and to meet with constant abuse. To be surrounded by groups of 6 or 12 people as soon as you leave your home, who would scream at you, physically intimidate you and spit at you. To be called a “Jewish pig” or a “nigger” to [...]

Nature Spirits

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

March 8, 2018

We live in a time when life on Earth seems to have been explored to the fullest degree. Vast amounts of information can be found on most questions that spring to mind. We explore the solar system, discovering more and more about our neighbouring planets, study comets and gaze into the depths of the universe. [...]

Climate Change – Truth, Facts and Plenty of Opinions

Author: Florimond Krins

March 8, 2018

Climate change has been a hot topic for a long time, with some saying it is pure fiction, whilst others have pointed out the many signs of change and their likely future consequences. It is now well understood by the scientific community that climate change is and always has been a natural phenomenon, but many [...]

Empowering Real Change: Philosophy & Art Panel Discussion on World Philosophy Day 2017

Author: Compiled by Harianto H Mehta

January 21, 2018

For New Acropolis members across the globe, every day in a way, is World Philosophy Day. Through history, classical traditions have employed philosophy as the central axis of education, recognizing the pivotal role of wisdom and ethics, in the formation of human civilization. Therefore, we mark the special opportunity of UNESCO’s annual endorsement of World [...]

The Barrenness of a Busy Life

Author: Tarini Vaidya

January 21, 2018

Last week I tried to catch up with a few friends for dinner, three to be precise. Can you believe we could not find a date when we were all free to meet until almost a month later! My friends work and I’m the only one who doesn’t work. Guess who was the busiest? Yes, [...]

Scaling An Inner Summit

Author: Vishal Pahlajani

January 21, 2018

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Throughout the ages nature has time and again instilled a sense of awe and wonder within human beings; at her unparalleled beauty, at her mysterious methodology and her enigmatic laws that govern the universe. The ancient Greek philosophers, specifically the Pre-Socratic philosophers [...]

A Stoic guide to our Emotions – Pt. 2: The sentiments of the sage

Author: Gilad Sommer

December 16, 2017

Despite the popular conception of the Stoics, in their writings, the ideal sage is not portrayed as a cold, apathetic person. By reflecting on the good and the bad, and on the true nature of things, the sage develops natural, rational sentiments – Hai Eupatheiai, literally, the good passions. These are: Wish, Caution and Joy. [...]

A Stoic guide to our Emotions – Pt. 1: Can we trust our feelings?

Author: Gilad Sommer

December 16, 2017

Human beings are often said to be rational creatures, but in reality we are very much emotional creatures as well. More often than not, history is a showcase of tragic actions taken by human beings overcome by their passions. And apart from these grand-scale dramas, our everyday life is full of instances where the right [...]

The Esoteric Side of Aboriginal Culture

Author: Inma Alted

November 15, 2017

The Australian Aboriginal is a race so ancient that it is reputed to be a descendant of the Gods. Their pre-neolithic culture was alive, intact and undisturbed until merely two hundred years ago. Their mode of perception, in which all of the world is alive with spirit, is imprinted on their language and culture. The [...]

God, Consciousness, Science: Conversations

Author: Sukesh Motwani

October 19, 2017

As philosophers born in an age where Science is leading the pursuit of answering questions to do with life, creation and the nature of reality, it becomes incumbent upon us to keep alive the sense of wonder at the underlying order and harmony in the workings of the universe. The search for ‘truth’ and ‘meaning’ [...]