January 31, 2015
Philosophy, or love of wisdom, is not something abstract. It’s about how to understand life better and therefore how to live better, individually and collectively. We all have something deep within ourselves, but sometimes we’re afraid to look for it. It’s like diving within yourself to look for the inner gold. You need courage to [...]October 4, 2014
One of the many paradoxes in life is that in our age of mass and instant communication, human beings find it increasingly difficult to communicate with each other. Today we can know in just a few hours, or sometimes even in minutes, what is happening on the other side of the world. News reaches us [...]October 4, 2014
In order to deal with some of the problems that afflict modern societies, a lot of research has been conducted into the changes that the human personality can undergo. Clearly, this is something that concerns us all. However, attempting to define the personality is a difficult and complex task and, for the same reason, it’s [...]October 4, 2014
We are interested in clarifying the difference we see between conviction and fanaticism, so that each one can judge himself and others more clearly. Conviction is a high commitment – psychological, intellectual and moral – which arises from becoming progressively convinced, founded on good reasons, evidence, experience, supporting models and bases. A person with convictions [...]October 3, 2014
“Eclecticism” is the name given to the philosophical position which, without objecting to anything a priori, analyzes and considers things, compares and relates them in search of the best of them all, with a view to finally selecting the one that is most qualified as worthy of acceptance. But this clear and concise definition, squarely [...]September 7, 2014
Which might be the best career in the world? Trying to answer this might suggest ideas such as “do nothing, earn a lot”. Maybe it involves working in some exotic destination, making money while having fun, etc. But when talking about a ‘career’, rather than a ‘job’, we are referring to a process of self-improvement [...]August 26, 2014
In the Orient, this flower has various symbolic aspects but its main characteristics stem from the fact that it blossoms on stagnant waters. This is why the lotus is seen as a symbol of purity; although blossoming on murky waters it remains immaculate. Rising out of the darkness to blossom in full sunlight, this flower [...]August 26, 2014
When we think about language as a mean of communication between one person to another we will probably think of it as verbal ability to express our thoughts and feelings, transmitting our inner state to others. However, we notice that there are other means of communication apart from the verbal; we express our self through [...]August 26, 2014
Freedom is a concept that has always preoccupied mankind. We all want to be free; but free from what? Do we really know what kind of freedom we are looking for or how we can reach that freedom? We are going to use philosophy to investigate and to understand freedom with an emphasis on inner [...]