Showing 594 articles

No offence, please, but we need more integrity

Author: Sabine Leitner

September 1, 2015

No offence, please, but we need more integrity I assume that most people don’t want to offend anyone. Most people also prefer to avoid conflict. But is it actually possible never to offend anyone? And would it be a good thing? Here a quote from the American TV series Ladies Man: “Now, political correctness is [...]

Must we live in stress?

Author: Ilanit Adar

August 19, 2015

Every period in life as in the life of a society as a whole, can be characterized through different aspects: social, economic, scientific, educational and others. Every period is different from the previous one and from the following one, because everything changes with time… If we consider the social-psychological perspective of the actual period, we [...]

Into the Matrix – Pt. 1

Author: Gilad Sommer

August 12, 2015

Part I – The Human Being or the Machine? The technological advances of the last decades have drastically changed our lifestyle, so much that it is hard to recall how life used to be in the past. What Did human beings do with their time before Youtube, Facebook, Twitter? How did people live before status [...]

Custodians of Culture: In Conversation with Padmashri Shekhar Sen

Author: Harianto Mehta

July 27, 2015

Padmashri Shekhar Sen, accomplished actor, singer, lyricist, and music director, is perhaps most celebrated for his unique mono-act theatrical renditions, through which he brings to life master poet-philosophers Tulisdas, Kabir, Surdas, and Vivekananda. Last February, New Acropolis (Mumbai) had the privilege to host an evening performance of a medley of Shekhar ji’s moving works. Ever [...]

The Inner Mirror

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

July 20, 2015

Today, as the myth of equality is losing force, it is easier to appreciate the wisdom of the ancients, who affirmed that all things and all beings have a different existence. More than that, even within the same person it is difficult to find two identical states of mind throughout the course of a day, [...]

Let’s Listen Then In Conversation with Shabnam Virmani

Author: Manjula Nanavati

July 19, 2015

Shabnam Virmani is the founder of the Kabir Project, which consists of a series of ongoing journeys inquiring into the spiritual, cultural, and socio-political resonances of the 15th century mystic and poet Kabir. Housed at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (Bengaluru), the Kabir Project team has worked with this music and poetry [...]

Tranquility – Don’t We Wish We Had a Little More Of It?

Author: Michael Herd

July 2, 2015

Tranquility – defined as peace, calm, quiet and stillness. Yes, many people wish that they had more of these qualities in their lives. In their modern fast paced lives, jam packed with plans, hopes, dreams, deadlines and demands. People have wanted this for quite some time now. An indication today could be the range of prescription [...]

The Best Changes Start With Ourselves

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

June 13, 2015

There is no point in compiling yet again a list of the situations afflicting everyone all over the world, because the media have already taken it upon themselves to broadcast them, and because, by repeating them, we only make the evils bigger without finding solutions. What is most striking is the general way of approaching [...]

Culture Creatives and the Wisdom Culture

Author: Agostino Dominici

June 6, 2015

Many recent thinkers have spoken of the troubled times our world is going through and the picture that is emerging resembles more and more the central piece of Hieronymus Bosch’s triptych The Last Judgment. In it we see in vibrant colors the chaotic scenes of anarchy and depravation while society dances and sings to the beat of [...]

Biomimicry: Human Creation Inspired By Nature

Author: Flora Bittencourt Detanico

May 18, 2015

“Those who side with any flag other than nature – the master of all masters – labour in vain.”                – Da Vinci “The genius of man may make various inventions, encompassing with various instruments one and the same end; but it will never discover a more beautiful, more economical, [...]

Thebes – Book Review

Author: Manjula Nanavati

May 2, 2015

THEBES, BY Prof. Jorge (giorgio) Angel Livraga Rizzi Perhaps no other civilization captures the imagination of intellectuals and dilettantes alike, as does Ancient Egypt. Arguably one of the earliest, longest lasting and most influential civilizations of history, it is recognized for its stupendous artistic, scientific, social, and spiritual achievements. In this slim volume Livraga gives [...]

Education and Technology

Author: Gurpreet Virdee

April 30, 2015

Whether you think it’s good, bad or ugly, education has become irrevocably entwined with technology. No classroom is complete without the ubiquitous digital projector and every self-respecting educationalist has a trusty laser-pointer. Arguably, PowerPoint is the application of choice used to spread enthrallment and tedium in equal measure. Online maps, interactive videos, “gamification” [...]