Showing 419 articles

Dunkirk – To live or to survive?

Author: Gilad Sommer

March 27, 2019

“Those men who, in war, seek to preserve their lives at any rate commonly die with shame and ignominy, while those who look upon death as common to all, and unavoidable, and are only solicitous to die with honour, oftener arrive at old age and, while they live, live happier.” (from Xenophon’s Anabasis) As production [...]

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth

Author: Miha Kosir

March 19, 2019

Just before his death in 1988 Joseph Campbell, a world-renowned author in comparative mythology and religion, was interviewed by Bill Moyers for the TV series The Power of Myth. The interview took place on the ranch of movie director George Lucas, where they discussed the nature and function of mythology and its relevance today. Campbell’s [...]


Author: Julian Scott

March 19, 2019

Thought: a female head emerging from a block of unhewn matter, her hair blown by the wind, her eyes fixed on the above, concentrated but free, grasping the essence of things.   Not the thought of the anguished intellectual, the complicated reasonings of an empty being who wants to impress; but the grand imaginings of [...]

The Temples of Ancient Egypt (Part 1)

Author: Agostino Dominici

March 19, 2019

Introduction The quality of a civilisation’s culture is most visible in its art and more particularly in its architectural accomplishments, for these are usually its most complex and long-lasting forms. It’s hard to conceive of a more awe-inspiring architecture than that found in ancient Egypt. The essence and message of Egyptian architecture remained unaltered throughout [...]

The People are Rising up

Author: Sabine Leitner

March 19, 2019

All over the world, people are rising up and demanding change. Both in the Western and the non-Western world, they are taking to the streets, protesting against corruption, growing economic inequality and injustice. In Asia, there were the ‘Umbrella Revolution’ in Hong Kong and the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan in 2014, protests in Myanmar [...]

Edward Burne-Jones

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

March 19, 2019

Recently, the Tate Britain celebrated Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones with a grand exhibition, the first on such a scale in 40 years. It amazed visitors not only by the rich variety of works, including painting, tapestry and stained glass, but also by a special enigmatic beauty created by the artist. Born in industrial Birmingham, Burne-Jones [...]

A New Model of Civilization

Author: Gilad Sommer

March 10, 2019

One of the most astounding things about ancient civilizations is the unity of their way of life. In the Art Institute of Chicago, for example, there is a beautiful stele from the Mayan ruins of Calakmul in Mexico. This stele presents a ruler in his task as a high priest, dressed in ceremonial garbs, holding [...]

The Ice Rink

Author: Gilad Sommer

January 25, 2019

During an attempt at ice skating at the Sculpture Garden in DC, I had one of these wonderful moments where life seems to speak to you through the so-called “ordinary” moments. Watching the happy faces – of every age, race and color – go round and round, I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of [...]

The Masses in Modern Philosophy

Author: Istvan Orban

January 25, 2019

In the last century, the role of the masses grew immensely in importance and affected both culture and politics. Philosophy has been using the term masses and mass societies since the 19th century, but we can find statements about masses of people earlier, even in the works of the classical Greek thinkers like Plato. He [...]

Chinese Alchemy and Immortality

Author: Agostino Dominici

January 25, 2019

Chinese alchemy has two main branches: ‘external alchemy’ (Waidan) and ‘internal alchemy’ (Naidan). Both words are related to the word dan (elixir), which evolves from a root-meaning of ‘essence’ (the true nature and quality of an entity). In this brief introduction, I am going to concentrate on the tradition of external alchemy or Waidan. The [...]

Philosophy of History – a Key to the Past, the Present and the Future

Author: Julian Scott

January 25, 2019

There is an old Eastern saying which states: “The Past Time is the Present Time, as also the Future, which, though it has not come into existence, still is.” In the Eastern view of time, reality exists beyond the temporal realm and what we experience as separate stages are actually part of a simultaneous reality. [...]

Vipassana: Experience of Impermanence

Author: Manjula Nanavati

January 13, 2019

Twenty–five centuries ago in Northern India, a man desolated by the quantum and pervasiveness of human suffering in the world, resolved to find a solution. His investigation led him to many masters, abundant knowledge and a plethora of techniques to investigate Truth and Reality, until finally on achieving enlightenment, he devoted the rest of his [...]