Showing 419 articles

The Symbolism of the Egg

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

September 22, 2014

The egg is a universal and self-explanatory symbol because it holds the seed from which the whole of manifestation will spring. The idea that the universe was born from an egg is shared by nearly all ancient civilisations and cultures. The primordial man also originates from an egg, like Prajâpati. In general, the cosmic Egg, [...]

Best Career In The World: To be An Idealist

Author: Yaron Barzilay

September 7, 2014

Which might be the best career in the world? Trying to answer this might suggest ideas such as “do nothing, earn a lot”. Maybe it involves working in some exotic destination, making money while having fun, etc. But when talking about a ‘career’, rather than a ‘job’, we are referring to a process of self-improvement [...]

Gather Around the Fire

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

August 27, 2014

In the first of the twelve doorways that await us in this year 1983, it is good – or perhaps simply inevitable – to sharpen the sight and hearing of the Soul in order to detect what the future holds in store for us, based on the interaction between our own characteristics and the environment, [...]

Practical Implications of the Theory of Reincarnation

Author: Alex Warren

August 27, 2014

Why reincarnation makes a difference in the way we live our lives. Every man’s soul has by the law of his birth been a spectator of eternal truth, or it would never have passed into this our mortal frame, yet still it is no easy matter for all to be reminded of their past by [...]

The Power of Symbols

Author: Alex Warren

August 27, 2014

Symbols hold a powerful attraction for people. Even today, in an age in which materialistic perspectives rule human thought, many ancient symbols such as the ankh, the yin/yang, American Indian designs, pyramids, and many other symbols are quite popular in jewelry and in the home. Why do symbols of the ancient civilizations continue to be [...]

The Symbolism of the Elephant

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 26, 2014

The elephant, in its most global and universal meaning, symbolizes strength and power, not only physical but also mental and spiritual. In Hindu tradition, elephants call up the image of Ganesha, symbol of knowledge, son of Shiva and Parvati. His human body is the microcosm, manifestation, and his elephant’s head is the macrocosm, non-manifestation. He [...]

The Symbolism of the Lotus

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 26, 2014

In the Orient, this flower has various symbolic aspects but its main characteristics stem from the fact that it blossoms on stagnant waters. This is why the lotus is seen as a symbol of purity; although blossoming on murky waters it remains immaculate. Rising out of the darkness to blossom in full sunlight, this flower [...]

Inner Freedom

Author: Guner Orucu

August 26, 2014

Freedom is a concept that has always preoccupied mankind. We all want to be free; but free from what? Do we really know what kind of freedom we are looking for or how we can reach that freedom? We are going to use philosophy to investigate and to understand freedom with an emphasis on inner [...]

The Myth of Unending Progress

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

August 26, 2014

The term “progress” derives from the Latin “progressus” which means, quite simply, the action of going forward. It is a mere illusion of the senses, intoxicated with hope, the supposition that every forward movement is synonymous with improvement, happiness and joy. The arithmetic progression of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. does not mean that 2 [...]

The Symbolism of Wings

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 22, 2014

Wings are the symbol of lightness, spirituality, the possibility of flying and rising up to heaven. Wings are the expression of the aspiration of the soul towards a higher than human condition, in other words the aspiration to transcend the human condition. Wings are related to the cognitive faculty, imagination, thought, freedom and victory. According [...]

The Symbolism of the Thread

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 22, 2014

The symbolism of thread is essentially that of the relation existing between all states of being and between the latter and their First Cause. This symbolism is clearly expressed in the Upanishads where thread links this world to the other world and to all beings. This thread is both Âtma and Prâna. Because it is [...]

The Symbolism of Chess

Author: M.A. Carrillo de Albornoz & M.A. Fernández

August 22, 2014

Though the origin of the game of chess is still unknown and mysterious, it is quite certain that it originated in the East, though it is the West that became infatuated with it. We also know that, in its beginnings, the game of chess was part of the strategy of war and was therefore applied [...]