April 30, 2017
What are personal problems? Evidently, they are those that afflict the personality, that is, the whole range of physical, vital, emotional and mental expressions. Without underestimating the pain associated with an illness or a more or less permanent physical disorder, emotional circumstances are the most decisive ones, to the point that they are the ones [...]April 30, 2017
Even though we are separated by several centuries from the intellectual revolution initiated by Giordano Bruno, it is a revolution that it is still very interesting to join. It starts by increasing our memory, in other words, by knowing how to live. Instead of passing through life like a leaf on the wind, we can [...]April 30, 2017
Among many other psychological diseases, our time is witness to frequent crises of indecisiveness and confusion in people. Many are those who let their lives slip by in a constant state of dissatisfaction, produced by not knowing what to do or how to do it in order achieve effective results. To escape this emptiness, there [...]April 27, 2017
As a logical consequence of the demands of our technological civilization, which is based on the quality and performance of its products, people have finally begun to look at the human being as the main factor in any model of civilization, whether technological or otherwise. It is now increasingly understood and accepted that the greater [...]April 17, 2017
The spring equinox is approaching, the days are gradually getting longer and soon the light will prevail. We will enjoy the warmth of sunlight and the beauty of blossoming nature. Once again we are having a chance to partake in a revival of life. The rejuvenating power of spring embraces all aspects of life. There [...]April 17, 2017
Life and death, like all opposites, are simply two sides of the same coin. As J.A. Livraga says in his book Thebes, in reality there is “only One Life, which glides along on its two feet, life and death.” Sometimes life is manifest, visible. At other times it is unmanifest, invisible. A tangible image of [...]April 17, 2017
Nikola Tesla was probably one of the greatest minds of the 19th and 20th centuries, yet his name is rarely associated with one of his many inventions, AC electric power. When we mention the discovery of electricity, or how we came to use it in our modern civilisation, we think first of Thomas Edison, Michael [...]February 7, 2017
“Technology took us to the moon. It is philosophy that will bring us back to ourselves.” Jorge Angel Livraga We live in a technological era. We are surrounded by technology and our daily life depends on it. We go as far as identifying ourselves with it and curse to high heavens when the internet is [...]November 12, 2016
Earlier this year the Serpentine Gallery held an exhibition described by the Telegraph as “a sense of unfathomable mystery”. Hilma Af Klint, a Swedish born female painter who began producing work in the early 1900s, is beginning to be recognised as the first artist ever to have produced a piece of ‘abstract art’. Prior to [...]