Showing 99 articles

The Genius of Nature

Author: Miha Kosir

December 29, 2015

“Nature does nothing in vain.” Aristotle Human beings have always observed, learned from and imitated nature. If we look at any process in nature we can see an engineering which has been developing for millions or billions of years. The more we understand its complexity the more we find an immense intelligence at work. One [...]

Inanna, the Queen of Heaven in ancient Mesopotamia

Author: Pinar Akhan

December 28, 2015

The principle of the life force on which everything depends, along with fertility, love and procreation were just a few of the principles that Inanna, one of the oldest Sumerian Goddesses, represents. Her name means Lady of Heaven and she was associated with the planet Venus, the morning and evening star. The rising and setting [...]

The Summer Solstice

Author: Matina Karastatira

December 27, 2015

The period between the 20th and the 22nd of June is the Summer Solstice. “Solstice” is Latin for “sun stands still”. In the Northern hemisphere the sun reaches its most northerly position and we experience the longest day and the shortest night. The summer solstice is often associated with change, nature and new beginnings, a [...]

The Hermetic message of Dante

Author: Agostino Dominici

December 23, 2015

Dante Alighieri is very well known in the world of art and literature, but not many people are aware of the hermetic and occult teachings he purposely disseminated throughout his works. Despite current historical misconceptions, Dante’s time, the so-called “Middle Ages”, was a time of great spiritual vitality, in spite of its contradictions (such as [...]

The Philosophical Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy

Author: Jim Pang

October 31, 2015

The word “calligraphy” is derived from a Greek word meaning beautiful writing. And in the East Chinese calligraphy (書法 – Shufa) is valued as “high art”. Throughout the history of China, leaders, scholars and people from all walks of life have practised calligraphy. Calligraphy and Tao The essence of calligraphy is to express the innermost [...]

Lost civilisation – myth or reality?

Author: Florimond Krins

October 31, 2015

It is a fact that mankind has lost and rediscovered knowledge in its short known history. Especially after the fall of a great civilisation such as the Egyptian ancient dynasties or the Roman Empire, we notice a decrease in the quality of life which is partly a result of the loss of a previously known [...]

No offence, please, but we need more integrity

Author: Sabine Leitner

September 1, 2015

No offence, please, but we need more integrity I assume that most people don’t want to offend anyone. Most people also prefer to avoid conflict. But is it actually possible never to offend anyone? And would it be a good thing? Here a quote from the American TV series Ladies Man: “Now, political correctness is [...]

Images of Enlightenment – The Buddhist Mandala

Author: Agostino Dominici

February 1, 2015

Because many colourful collections of mandalas are easily accessible nowadays in public art museums as well as in digital art galleries, it is easy to fall into common misconceptions. These peculiar ‘objects’, which can easily be mistaken for some kind of ‘art- form’, are actually among the finest remnants of the practical occultism found in [...]

The Practice of Philosophy

Author: Fernando Schwarz

January 31, 2015

Philosophy, or love of wisdom, is not something abstract. It’s about how to understand life better and therefore how to live better, individually and collectively. We all have something deep within ourselves, but sometimes we’re afraid to look for it. It’s like diving within yourself to look for the inner gold. You need courage to [...]

The dark side of freedom

Author: Sabine Leitner

January 27, 2015

Freedom is one of those words that are usually perceived as 100% positive. Who does not want to be free? Free from any form of outer coercion or restraint, free to do whatever we want. But is the concept of freedom really so simple? What if we don’t use our freedom wisely? Imagine a fridge [...]

Two Ways of Beating a Drum

Author: Anonymous

November 21, 2014

Once upon a time there was a drummer living in a small country village. He heard there was going to be a fair in the city of Benares. So he decided to go there and earn some money by playing his drums. He took his son along to accompany him when playing music written for [...]


Author: Aesop

November 21, 2014

A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and fled to the forest. As he was wandering about there he came upon a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. At first he turned to flee, but finding that the Lion did not pursue him, he turned back and went up to him. As he [...]