Showing 256 articles

The Spectre of Totalitarianism – Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

Author: Julian Scott

March 8, 2018

You may have noticed this year that a number of journalists have been making references to the 20th century political theorist Hannah Arendt, widely regarded as one of the most important political philosophers of the last century. Her first major work, entitled The Origins of Totalitarianism, is more than 500 pages long and not an [...]

Empowering Real Change: Philosophy & Art Panel Discussion on World Philosophy Day 2017

Author: Compiled by Harianto H Mehta

January 21, 2018

For New Acropolis members across the globe, every day in a way, is World Philosophy Day. Through history, classical traditions have employed philosophy as the central axis of education, recognizing the pivotal role of wisdom and ethics, in the formation of human civilization. Therefore, we mark the special opportunity of UNESCO’s annual endorsement of World [...]

The Barrenness of a Busy Life

Author: Tarini Vaidya

January 21, 2018

Last week I tried to catch up with a few friends for dinner, three to be precise. Can you believe we could not find a date when we were all free to meet until almost a month later! My friends work and I’m the only one who doesn’t work. Guess who was the busiest? Yes, [...]

Kindfulness: The Need of the Hour

Author: Sangeeta Iyer

January 16, 2018

If we look at how human behavior has changed since ancient times, it is fairly obvious that we have become more aggressive as a species; more egoistic, more volatile and easily prone to flare-ups of anger, impatience and unfortunately, violence as well. All around us we can see increasing evidence of self-centeredness and ascending intolerance [...]

Income for all

Author: Istvan Orban

November 15, 2017

In Finland the government recently introduced a scheme whereby 2000 unemployed people would receive an unconditional income of £478 a month. Initially, it sounds like a utopia, but the experiment is real and the selected families will receive the guaranteed sum for 2 years. The results so far are incredible: the scheme is not only [...]

The Dawn and Decline of Technological Man

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

November 1, 2017

How important has technology been to the development of Humanity? By definition, technology relates to the means by which man attempts to rule over matter. However, technical elements alone are not enough to measure progress. Today we find ourselves engaged in a cult to technology, such that we judge the quality and excellence of civilizations [...]

A Moment to Stop and Reflect

Author: Ilanit Adar

October 19, 2017

This article is a compilation of excerpts from the book A Moment to Stop and Reflect by Ilanit Adar Matoki to be published in Korean. In times when knowledge is very accessible and there exists a flood of information, it is a challenge to acknowledge words of wisdom. The eyes quickly pass over unimportant words [...]

Philosophy as a Way of Life

Author: Julian Scott

October 19, 2017

The other day I heard a memorable phrase from the mouth of a Yorkshire farmer: “Farming is a way of life.” And it occurred to me that anything which is done properly must be a way of life. The same is true of philosophy. “Generally speaking, university philosophy is mere fencing in front of a [...]

Concrete from the past, for the future.

Author: Florimond Krins

October 19, 2017

Concrete is a compound composed of cement, water, sand and/or gravel, and it can also be reinforced with steel rods arranged in a mesh within the concrete slab or column. Our modern civilization is known for its abundant use of concrete, so abundant that there is an actual shortage of sand worldwide, which is also [...]

Re-Humanizing Corporate Culture

Author: Vasant Sanzgiri

August 29, 2017

Most people working in organizations are familiar with the Human Resources Department. It is the single point of contact for an employee – through the processes of Recruitment, On-boarding, Training, Integration, Appraisals, Growth, and even the Exit Interview. Since the HR Dept comprises a team of people that interacts with employees, it would seem appropriate [...]

Ethics first!

Author: Sabine Leitner

August 16, 2017

On Wednesday 14 June, in the early hours of the morning, a fridge freezer exploded in a flat on the fourth floor of the 24-storey Grenfell tower block in London and caused a fire. Although fire crews arrived within 6 minutes of the alarm being raised, the fire had by then spread to the outside [...]

Alchemical Medicine Rediscovered

Author: Agostino Dominici

August 16, 2017

Despite many technological advances, our modern society has so far failed to address the all-important issue of health and harmony, both in the human being and on planet Earth. This situation has led to an increase of interest in the study of holistic medicine and herbal remedies in general. In the meantime, we have also [...]