Showing 70 articles

The Kalevala

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

March 27, 2019

A truly beautiful Finnish epic, in which words weave ancient stories of the world, its cycles of life and its heroes. Sung and passed on by word of mouth for centuries, it was recorded only in the 19th century by Elias Lönnrot. The word “Kalevala” means ‘land of heroes’, the abode of Kaleva, a mythical [...]

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth

Author: Miha Kosir

March 19, 2019

Just before his death in 1988 Joseph Campbell, a world-renowned author in comparative mythology and religion, was interviewed by Bill Moyers for the TV series The Power of Myth. The interview took place on the ranch of movie director George Lucas, where they discussed the nature and function of mythology and its relevance today. Campbell’s [...]

Brushed by God’s Presence

Author: Kurush Dordi

August 1, 2018

For millennia, specific locations around the world have been regarded with fascination and sacredness. Despite all the materialistic opulence and grandeur of some of the most recent human architectural achievements, there remains something awe inspiring about many ancient structures that have stood their ground for thousands of years. For many, even the most grandiose five-star [...]

Cupid and Psyche

Author: Miha Kosir

June 3, 2018

So much has been written about love that another article would seems to be almost unnecessary. But then again, do we really know what love is? Where does it come from, is it external or internal, do we need to awaken it or do we earn it? It has such tremendous powers that we can [...]

The importance of culture and why ‘no’ is the new ‘yes’

Author: Sabine Leitner

June 3, 2018

The health and quality of a seed is not enough to ensure its flourishing. It also needs the right environment to do so: good soil, enough water and the right amount of light and warmth according to the needs of its nature. Using this image as an analogy, we could say that for human beings [...]

The Esoteric Aspect of Chivalry

Author: Julian Scott

April 2, 2018

The word ‘chivalry’ comes from the French ‘chevalier’, which means ‘knight’ or ‘horseman’. Symbolically, the horse represents the body and its associated energies and emotions, while the rider represents the higher self of the human being, the best and noblest part of ourselves. The knight is not perfect, but is on a path towards perfection. [...]

Nature Spirits

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

March 8, 2018

We live in a time when life on Earth seems to have been explored to the fullest degree. Vast amounts of information can be found on most questions that spring to mind. We explore the solar system, discovering more and more about our neighbouring planets, study comets and gaze into the depths of the universe. [...]

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Author: Pinar Akhan

March 8, 2018

The Epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia is often considered to be the oldest written story in the world. There are many studies about this story which look at it from an archaeological, literary and historical point of view. However, the aim of this article is to give a philosophical perspective on the story while [...]

The Esoteric Side of Aboriginal Culture

Author: Inma Alted

November 15, 2017

The Australian Aboriginal is a race so ancient that it is reputed to be a descendant of the Gods. Their pre-neolithic culture was alive, intact and undisturbed until merely two hundred years ago. Their mode of perception, in which all of the world is alive with spirit, is imprinted on their language and culture. The [...]

The Dawn and Decline of Technological Man

Author: Jorge Angel Livraga

November 1, 2017

How important has technology been to the development of Humanity? By definition, technology relates to the means by which man attempts to rule over matter. However, technical elements alone are not enough to measure progress. Today we find ourselves engaged in a cult to technology, such that we judge the quality and excellence of civilizations [...]

Myths of the Starry Sky

Author: Natalya Petlevych

October 19, 2017

The starry sky fascinates us with its beauty and mysteries. Its can also tell us many stories that we can relate to. The Pole Star is a symbol of the immovable centre around which everything revolves, a symbol of eternity that transcends the world of time and change in which we are born and live. [...]

The Little Prince: A Journey Inwards

Author: Krutika Mehta

September 10, 2017

Most ancient traditions seem to share a dominant myth that revolves around a long and arduous journey with the hero facing danger or death, overcoming obstacles, before accomplishing his purposeful goal and returning home. Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, among others, viewed some of these heroes even as gods. Hercules and Arjuna are examples of [...]