Showing 72 articles

Myths of the Starry Sky

Author: Natalya Petlevych

October 19, 2017

The starry sky fascinates us with its beauty and mysteries. Its can also tell us many stories that we can relate to. The Pole Star is a symbol of the immovable centre around which everything revolves, a symbol of eternity that transcends the world of time and change in which we are born and live. [...]

The Little Prince: A Journey Inwards

Author: Krutika Mehta

September 10, 2017

Most ancient traditions seem to share a dominant myth that revolves around a long and arduous journey with the hero facing danger or death, overcoming obstacles, before accomplishing his purposeful goal and returning home. Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, among others, viewed some of these heroes even as gods. Hercules and Arjuna are examples of [...]

Keeping the Flame Alive

Author: Kurush Dordi

August 29, 2017

As the Sun rises over the horizon and fills the sky with its magical light, a 2000 year old ritual is performed daily in the few remaining Zoroastrian temples of Mumbai. The priest performs a ceremony (5 times each day), tending to the flames of the consecrated fire, offering fragrant sandalwood and incense while reciting [...]

The Solar Hero

Author: Natalya Petlevych

August 29, 2017

During these days of sunlight’s fullness, it is good to remember the symbolism of the sun and its connection to our inner centre, our Higher Self. This connection appears most frequently in the stories of solar heroes. These myths tell us that a human being has something of the transient and something of the eternal, [...]

The Book of the Dead

Author: Miha Kosir

May 14, 2017

One thing we know for certain is that death is waiting for us all. Something so natural and irrefutable, but still how much do we understand what that really means? How we see death is how we understand life. Searching for those answers is a quest that has accompanied men and women since time immemorial. [...]

The Power of Life

Author: Natalya Petlevych

May 13, 2017

Spring gives us a unique opportunity to witness the immense power of life. Everything in nature awakens, opens up to the warmth of the sun and actively grows unfolding its potential. Observing nature I remembered the ancient Egyptian concept of “sekhem”, usually translated as “power”.  It has several aspects of meaning, indicating power in action. [...]

Ulysses: The Mission to Return Home

Author: Sivan Barzilay

April 17, 2017

Are you familiar with those moments when it seems that life is talking to you, sending you some message, a direction? In the beginning, it might not seem very clear but with some extra observation and deeper investigation you become able to view the connection. And so, a few weeks ago, the name Ulysses came [...]

Sacred Dance and Classical Indian Dance

Author: Miti Desai

February 7, 2017

All dance started with the yearning of the human spirit to move, but with the development of consciousness, expressed in civilisation, an additional element emerged: the idea that the purpose of human life is to grow, to evolve the consciousness, to transcend. But the makers of Indian civilisation realised that it is very difficult to [...]

The constitution of the human being in the Western tradition

Author: Agostino Dominici

February 7, 2017

From time immemorial, human beings have asked themselves the question ‘who am I?’ And philosophers, theologians and metaphysicians have all come up with different answers. The classification of the various human ‘constituents’, from one system of thought to another might have changed, but the underlying principles in question have remained the same. Thus, even though [...]

Gaia (Gaea), Mother Earth

Author: Pinar Akhan

August 22, 2016

In many cultures, the concept of Mother Earth, the Great Mother existed and was worshipped in various ways. In Egypt she was represented as Isis nursing Horus, in Mesopotamia as Cybele, a seated figure with a lion on each side and large breasts symbolising the fertility and protection of the harvest and grain; while in [...]

The Myth of the Cave

Author: Miha Kosir

August 3, 2016

In one of Plato’s most well known works – The Republic – we find a short story known as the Myth of the Cave. Socrates asks his listeners to imagine a world under the ground where people live in chains, facing the end wall of a cave. Because they are chained they can’t move or [...]

Prometheus the Awakener

Author: Natalya Petlevych

June 10, 2016

Busy as we are, it’s not easy to stop to admire the awakening of life in nature, but the growing light seems to be rekindling us too. Ancient myths tell us a story of another awakening that took place a very long time ago – the awakening of the human mind. One courageous, quick-witted and [...]