Showing 77 articles

Gnomes in Folklore and Fairy Tales

Author: Ania Hajost

September 14, 2018

Folklore and fairy tales are well known for describing all sort of incredible creatures: gnomes, dwarfs, mermaids, pixies, giants and speaking animals and birds. The famous alchemist Paracelsus made a classification of these mostly invisible beings and called them ‘elementals’ or ‘nature spirits’. He said that they can be found within the Earth (gnomes, fairies [...]

Life Lessons from the Amazon

Author: Trishya Screwvala

April 2, 2018

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein The brief time that I recently spent in Peru’s southern Amazon Forest, really opened my heart to the beauty and infinite wisdom that nature has to offer. The potent combination of heat and humidity makes the Amazon the largest rainforest on [...]

Lame Deer, the Lakota Shaman

Author: Istvan Orban

March 8, 2018

“We Sioux spend a lot of time thinking about everyday things, which in our mind are mixed up with the spiritual. We see in the world around us many symbols that teach us the meaning of life.” – So claimed Lame Deer, who was known as John Fire and lived in the 20th century. He [...]

Nature Spirits

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

March 8, 2018

We live in a time when life on Earth seems to have been explored to the fullest degree. Vast amounts of information can be found on most questions that spring to mind. We explore the solar system, discovering more and more about our neighbouring planets, study comets and gaze into the depths of the universe. [...]

Climate Change – Truth, Facts and Plenty of Opinions

Author: Florimond Krins

March 8, 2018

Climate change has been a hot topic for a long time, with some saying it is pure fiction, whilst others have pointed out the many signs of change and their likely future consequences. It is now well understood by the scientific community that climate change is and always has been a natural phenomenon, but many [...]

Myths of the Starry Sky

Author: Natalya Petlevych

October 19, 2017

The starry sky fascinates us with its beauty and mysteries. Its can also tell us many stories that we can relate to. The Pole Star is a symbol of the immovable centre around which everything revolves, a symbol of eternity that transcends the world of time and change in which we are born and live. [...]

Alchemical Medicine Rediscovered

Author: Agostino Dominici

August 16, 2017

Despite many technological advances, our modern society has so far failed to address the all-important issue of health and harmony, both in the human being and on planet Earth. This situation has led to an increase of interest in the study of holistic medicine and herbal remedies in general. In the meantime, we have also [...]

Resurrection of Life

Author: Natalya Petlevych

April 17, 2017

The spring equinox is approaching, the days are gradually getting longer and soon the light will prevail. We will enjoy the warmth of sunlight and the beauty of blossoming nature. Once again we are having a chance to partake in a revival of life. The rejuvenating power of spring embraces all aspects of life. There [...]

A New Philosophy of Life and Death

Author: Julian Scott

April 17, 2017

Life and death, like all opposites, are simply two sides of the same coin. As J.A. Livraga says in his book Thebes, in reality there is “only One Life, which glides along on its two feet, life and death.” Sometimes life is manifest, visible. At other times it is unmanifest, invisible. A tangible image of [...]

Science, Technology and Philosophy

Author: Florimond Krins

February 7, 2017

“Technology took us to the moon. It is philosophy that will bring us back to ourselves.” Jorge Angel Livraga We live in a technological era. We are surrounded by technology and our daily life depends on it. We go as far as identifying ourselves with it and curse to high heavens when the internet is [...]

Hilma Af Klint: Painting the Unseen

Author: Siobhan Farrar

November 12, 2016

Earlier this year the Serpentine Gallery held an exhibition described by the Telegraph as “a sense of unfathomable mystery”. Hilma Af Klint, a Swedish born female painter who began producing work in the early 1900s, is beginning to be recognised as the first artist ever to have produced a piece of ‘abstract art’. Prior to [...]

Urban Wildlife

Author: Miha Kosir

September 7, 2016

At the beginning of the 19th century three out of four Britons lived in the countryside, where they worked the land. By the end of the 19th century three out of four lived in the city. This was a result of the industrial revolution, which marks a turning point in history. The speed of urbanisation [...]