September 23, 2016
In the journey of life as we grow in consciousness, we start to become aware of a certain truth that dawns on us as gently and as lovingly as the first rays of the rising Sun – that we are all ‘One Life’, deeply connected to each other in mystic and mysterious ways. James Cameron’s [...]September 7, 2016
At the beginning of the 19th century three out of four Britons lived in the countryside, where they worked the land. By the end of the 19th century three out of four lived in the city. This was a result of the industrial revolution, which marks a turning point in history. The speed of urbanisation [...]September 7, 2016
In the last 50 years astrology has started to gain a level of intellectual respectability which would have been unthinkable before. This has been thanks to the recent contributions of many brilliant and open-minded thinkers who have come to embrace the teachings of this ancient discipline. A long time has passed since Voltaire defined astrology [...]September 7, 2016
Apologists of industrial farming often claim that this soulless and inhumane way of producing food for human consumption is the only viable way of feeding the world in these times of overpopulation. However, although the deceptively named ‘green revolution’ (the conversion to industrial farming after the second world war based on pesticides, artificial fertilizers and [...]August 22, 2016
In many cultures, the concept of Mother Earth, the Great Mother existed and was worshipped in various ways. In Egypt she was represented as Isis nursing Horus, in Mesopotamia as Cybele, a seated figure with a lion on each side and large breasts symbolising the fertility and protection of the harvest and grain; while in [...]August 22, 2016
We have all experienced the flu at least once in our life. And even if the “common” flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people every year around the world, the media still warn us about the danger of flu pandemics such as swine flu (H1N1), which in 2009 killed around 9,000 people. So what is [...]August 22, 2016
The recently released Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster, Interstellar, which is about the possible future of mankind, has a strong premise that staying on the Earth is senseless, because natural disasters will make impossible to sustain life here. So the heroes of the film set off to find another galaxy where humanity can carry on (presumably a [...]July 30, 2016
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a little ditty chanted in the school playgrounds of the 1960s as a retort from one child to another after being teased or taunted. In truth, it should have been “…but words will really hurt me” – why? Because they can [...]July 26, 2016
Produced by the sun and invisible to the naked eye, ultraviolet light can cause sunburn and skin cancer by damaging the genetic material in our skin cells. However, its effects are not only negative, as it kills many of the bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere. It also induces the production of vitamin D in [...]June 16, 2016
A German archaeologist called Klaus Schmidt found the ancient site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey in the early 1990s. It took Schmidt almost two decades of digging to unravel only a small part of the site, which is huge (around 30 times larger than Stonehenge). It is composed of large circles of T-shaped columns, most [...]June 1, 2016
We are all different. This seems like an obvious statement, but it is often the obvious statements which require the most scrutiny and investigation, exactly because they are the ones we take least time to consider. Even though we all share the essential experience of a human being, each of us filters this experience through [...]May 26, 2016
Human Beings have a natural need to improve and grow. Certain moments in our lives are decisive where we feel we made a breakthrough and in hindsight we may recognize the inspiration and experiences that guided us in those moments. Often we find that in such moments we are more goal-oriented and focussed, thereby able [...]