Showing 254 articles

The High City of Troy

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

July 30, 2020

Long ago at the dawn of history, on a distant seashore near the sacred Mount Ida, stood a marvellous city, the walls of which were built by the gods themselves. It was there that Poseidon and Apollo did their penance labouring for king Laomedon on the orders of the great Zeus. The city was Ilium [...]

Post-lockdown Values?

Author: Sabine Leitner

July 30, 2020

“There are decades where nothing happens – and there are weeks where decades happen.” This Lenin quote might sum up how many of us feel regarding the events of 2020. Not that nothing happened before – in my view the last few decades contained quite a lot of events on a mega scale – but [...]

The Boring Tool

Author: Paul Savage

July 21, 2020

Boredom is something we are all familiar with, yet in our increasingly technology driven world, we are less and less able to engage with it and use this mental state as a means of creativity, learning and conscious development. We are all aware of that compulsion to turn to our phones as soon as we [...]

The Noble Spirit of Competition

Author: Markus Edin

July 21, 2020

With the 2020 Olympic Games being cancelled we may seize the opportunity to reconnect with the spirit of this most famous and prestigious sporting event. For it has not always existed in the format we know it today, the ancient Olympics serving a vastly different purpose than the modern day Olympic Games. Just how far [...]

The Proof is in the Pudding

Author: Conor McMahon

July 21, 2020

We all know the phrase, “the proof is in the pudding.” You don’t want a chef to tell you how great his food is. He has to make it to prove himself. The same should be applied to philosophy. What’s the point of a degree in philosophy if you’re not living it? Epictetus supported this [...]

Stepping Back into The World of Heroes

Author: Rahil Mehta

July 20, 2020

A child’s journey to adulthood is often a mixed bag. It’s a time of learning and challenges. Skills and abilities are developed, as are likes and dislikes. He quickly learns the rules of the world that he lives in.  And facing a new world for the first time, his simplest obstacles look like gigantic monsters. [...]

Dare to Live in Harmony

Author: Shraddha Shetty

July 20, 2020

The times that we have experienced together in the last few months have been unique. There is no doubt that it has been challenging for many, but my attempt in this article is to highlight the special opportunities that I discovered even in such moments. Due to the lockdown across the world, many were physically [...]

Is Being the Highest Giving ?

Author: Sukesh Motwani

July 20, 2020

Deeply inspired by great philanthropists in our times, one often struggles with the dilemma of how and what we can do in terms of charity or social service. Generally, such noble intentions first veer towards sending supplies and relief material to victims of natural disasters, accidents or riots. One might also perhaps commit a part [...]


Author: Pinar Akhan

June 21, 2020

Along with “unprecedented”, it’s probably one of the words that we have heard most in the last three months since the outbreak of Coronavirus: the word “hygiene”. We have been reminded again and again of the importance of following the rules of hygiene to prevent the disease spreading or increasing infections. Through recent discoveries and [...]

Our Many Different Realities

Author: Sabine Leitner

June 21, 2020

One thing that never fails to amaze me is how one and the same cause can bring about so many completely different experiences and consequent ‘realities’. The current pandemic is a good example of this. As I look around my wide circle of friends and family (in various different countries), colleagues, neighbours and acquaintances, I [...]

Old Ireland

Author: Gareth Kinsella

June 21, 2020

During the course of the last two millennia, ripple effects from endless waves of invasions and migrations have contributed to the Irish identity of today, although preceding tales of misty legends and epics are still expressed by ancient structures, myths and culture. Ireland’s origins are of vague beginnings, with butchered bear bones carbon dated to [...]

Self-driving Cars and the Transport Revolution

Author: Istvan Orban

June 21, 2020

Since the Ford T-model appeared on the roads at the dawn of the 20th century, cars have undergone great changes, not just in terms of form, but also regarding performance and safety. Even the fuel has changed and now more and more hybrid and electric cars are running, but one thing has remained: the need [...]