Showing 49 articles

Cinema and the 20th Century

Author: Alfredo Aguilar

April 17, 2017

If we were to ask ourselves ‘what is cinema?’ we might say that it is an artistic expression, or perhaps a good way of telling stories, a form of entertainment or, frankly speaking, just plain business. The true answer is, probably, all of them. Whatever the case, it would be practically impossible to understand the [...]

Education: To What End?

Author: Archana Samarth

September 23, 2016

“Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the make [...]

Saying it Right – Doing it Right

Author: Michael Lassman

July 30, 2016

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a little ditty chanted in the school playgrounds of the 1960s as a retort from one child to another after being teased or taunted. In truth, it should have been “…but words will really hurt me” – why? Because they can [...]

Best of the Human Potential through Sports

Author: Kurush Dordi

May 26, 2016

The year is 1936. The Olympic Games in Munich are underway and Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany, publicly comments, “The sportive, knightly battle awakens the best human characteristics. It doesn’t separate, but unites, the combatants in understanding and respect. It also helps to connect the countries in the spirit of peace. That’s why the Olympic [...]

The Art of Creative Writing

Author: Natalia Lema

April 19, 2016

It is a common belief that writing is only for those who possess a talent and that creativity is something that some people have and others don’t. However, another way of looking at it is to see creativity as one of our human characteristics, and writing as a unique opportunity to nurture our mind and [...]

We Need More Activism and Philosophy

Author: Sabine Leitner

February 26, 2016

It is often said that by changing ourselves, we can change the world, and I believe that is true. However, is individual change sufficient?  Is it enough to try to behave in a responsible and conscious way in order to bring about the collective change that is so urgently needed? Let’s look at some examples: [...]

The Hermetic message of Dante

Author: Agostino Dominici

December 23, 2015

Dante Alighieri is very well known in the world of art and literature, but not many people are aware of the hermetic and occult teachings he purposely disseminated throughout his works. Despite current historical misconceptions, Dante’s time, the so-called “Middle Ages”, was a time of great spiritual vitality, in spite of its contradictions (such as [...]

The Best Changes Start With Ourselves

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

June 13, 2015

There is no point in compiling yet again a list of the situations afflicting everyone all over the world, because the media have already taken it upon themselves to broadcast them, and because, by repeating them, we only make the evils bigger without finding solutions. What is most striking is the general way of approaching [...]

Education and Technology

Author: Gurpreet Virdee

April 30, 2015

Whether you think it’s good, bad or ugly, education has become irrevocably entwined with technology. No classroom is complete without the ubiquitous digital projector and every self-respecting educationalist has a trusty laser-pointer. Arguably, PowerPoint is the application of choice used to spread enthrallment and tedium in equal measure. Online maps, interactive videos, “gamification” [...]

Tolerance and Fundamentalism

Author: Julian Scott

February 1, 2015

It seems strange that fundamentalism and fanaticism should be growing stronger in the 21st century when, according to past predictions, we should be entering an age of enlightened progress and rational understanding. But the rise of fundamentalism is due in part to the failure of rationalism to cater for humanity’s deeper spiritual needs. Fundamentalists have always existed. In [...]

City of Purification – Elephanta

Author: Harianto Mehta

January 29, 2015

Just a few kilometers off the Mumbai Harbor, nestled on an island, amidst basalt rock mounds, lay a mysterious complex of exquisite cave temples that whisper a silent homage to the region’s spiritual past. It’s tune inaudible to the nearby metropolis teeming with ambitious commerce, and ceaseless traffic, here the temple walls echo a stark [...]

Conviction and Fanaticism

Author: Delia Steinberg Guzmán

October 4, 2014

We are interested in clarifying the difference we see between conviction and fanaticism, so that each one can judge himself and others more clearly. Conviction is a high commitment – psychological, intellectual and moral – which arises from becoming progressively convinced, founded on good reasons, evidence, experience, supporting models and bases. A person with convictions [...]