Showing 594 articles

Women in Myths

Author: Margarita Dominguez

January 22, 2020

In myths we can find the archetypes that can guide our life and help us discover our soul. In the case of goddesses, these can reveal to women the primordial forces of the spiritual world and help us to understand the inner being that characterizes our female complexity. Jorge Angel Livraga, founder of New Acropolis, [...]

The Science Behind the Wholefood Plant-Based Diet

Author: Florimond Krins

January 22, 2020

Veganism, vegetarianism and other flexible plant-based diets have become more and more advertised and promoted through the media. While Vegans have been the advocates of an animal-free diet, mostly for ethical reasons, for decades, they are now being backed up by the scientific community praising the healthy and environmental benefits of such diets. The Health [...]

When Does a Renaissance Start? The meaning of the Annunciation

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

January 22, 2020

History is rich with inspiring examples of the human spirit flourishing. One of the strongest among them is the Renaissance. It generated a change in the perception of the world and provided a new understanding of the human being, reviving the idea of interconnection between the Macrocosm (the Universe/divine) and the Microcosm (the human being). [...]

The Hidden Life of Wolves

Author: Miha Kosir

January 16, 2020

The image we have of the wolf today is a product of our culture and it is not entirely positive. The wolf has been demonised in the past and hated for various reasons. Medieval stories describe the wolf as a devil and the sixteenth-century tale Little Red Riding Hood showed the wolf as a devourer, [...]

Generation-Z: Deltas, Founders & Doers

Author: Siobhan Cait Farrar

January 15, 2020

Generation Z is the most widely known term used to distinguish the post-millennial generation born after 1995. However, this classification is not necessarily the most illuminating or the one chosen by the generation themselves. A New York Times article (Jan 2018) discusses several options ranging from the abject – ‘the last generation’ ‘the final generation’ [...]

Shall We Talk About Collapsology?

Author: Sabine Leitner

January 15, 2020

History teaches us that civilizations rise and fall; since they are born, they will also eventually die. Some die a dramatic death; others simply fade out and become gradually replaced by others. It makes sense to study how past cultures and civilizations died and see what we can learn from it. These days, you can [...]

Esoteric Influences in the Work of William Blake

Author: Julian Scott

January 15, 2020

Many of the world’s great artists were inspired by the perennial, esoteric or occult philosophy and their works of art express timeless truths that continue to speak to our intuitions. The artist and poet William Blake is no exception, but it is not easy to locate him within the esoteric tradition, because he was subject [...]

A Deeper Understanding of Myth: The Contribution of Mircea Eliade

Author: Nataliya Petlevych

January 15, 2020

Nowadays myth is sometimes perceived as something opposed to reality – a fictional tale without connection to real life. Such an understanding has existed for quite a while, having its roots in the ancient world. It was especially prominent in the 19th century, when myth was considered as a primitive outdated counterpart to science or [...]

Scientism: does science have all the answers?

Author: Florimond Krins

January 15, 2020

Science has been taking a more and more prominent place in our modern civilization. Since Europe emerged from the Middle Ages in the 15th century, the scientific community has had an increasingly important and powerful role in guiding the leaders of the Western world. In the course of this development, a number of different scientific [...]

Toxic Fashion

Author: Sabine Leitner

January 15, 2020

I would like to shine a light on the fashion industry. Even if you are aware of documentaries like Fashion’s Dirty Secrets, it is worth reminding ourselves of just some of the facts, because writing and spreading information is already a form of activism. Alongside the oil industry the fashion industry is one of the [...]

Mary Wollstonecraft and the Search for Women’s Equality

Author: Natalia Lema

January 15, 2020

In the mid-18th century, when London had approximately 600,000 inhabitants, a woman with remarkable ideas was born in Spitalfields. Her approach to life and her fight for equality between women and men, in a society that was far from equal, made her stand out from the crowd. Her words “I do not wish (women) to [...]

Hoarding Books Versus ‘Living’ their Wisdom

Author: Sukesh Motwani

December 31, 2019

I confess: I love seeking knowledge. I read a lot, and also hoard many more books than I can actually read…I am a bibliomaniac. Thomas Frognall Dobson spoke of this fictional “neurosis” that prompts an obsessive desire to collect books. (1) But there is a more fascinating Japanese word for it: Tsundoku, which essentially is [...]