Showing 594 articles

Art for Enlightenment

Author: Miha Kosir

March 28, 2016

Masterpieces of Tibetan art found in the private temple of the Dalai Lamas have been reproduced and displayed for the first time in a special exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London. The Lukhang, or “Temple to the Serpent Spirits” was built in the late 17th century on a lake behind the Potala Palace in [...]

How Can We Humanize the World We are Living In?

Author: Pierre Poulain

March 23, 2016

When I was a child I was a fan of Science-Fiction books. I remember especially some classics such as the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov, and books written by Van Vogt, Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein or Philip Jose Farmer, just to mention a few. While reading those books I was dreaming of the future. [...]

Philosophical Principles of Sanskrit

Author: Bhavna Roy

March 23, 2016

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.” – John 1:1 “Om is everything; the past, the present, and the future is an expression of Om.” – Mandukya Upanishad As if echoing these ancient scriptures, quantum physicists state that creation began with the Big Bang – a first pulse of vibration; vibration [...]

Changing the World by Changing Consumption

Author: Dilip Jain

March 23, 2016

One of the world’s leading voices on the issue of climate change and protecting the environment at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference was Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned primatologist. In one of her interviews, she explains that she came to Paris for the UN climate summit “to save the rainforests” from corruption and intensive farming. [...]

Sacred Groves

Author: Ubai Husein

March 23, 2016

“The forest is not merely an expression or representation of sacredness, nor a place to invoke the sacred; the forest is sacredness itself.  Nature is not merely created by God, nature is God.  Whoever moves within the forest can partake directly of sacredness, experience sacredness with his entire body, breathe sacredness and contain it within [...]

The true power of water

Author: Florimond Krins

March 2, 2016

Made of 70% of it we all know that water is crucial to our own survival as we can’t live without it, literally.  It will only take a couple of days for our body to stop functioning properly without drinking water. But the importance that water plays in our bodies goes beyond the simply physiological, [...]

Beauty and meaning

Author: Sabine Leitner

February 29, 2016

Recently I have been pondering the ability to perceive beauty and meaning. In order to perceive anything it is necessary to develop organs of perception. In order to see we needed to develop eyes. Without ears, sound waves would be non-existent for us. If someone talked to us about fragrance and smells we wouldn’t know [...]

We Need More Activism and Philosophy

Author: Sabine Leitner

February 26, 2016

It is often said that by changing ourselves, we can change the world, and I believe that is true. However, is individual change sufficient?  Is it enough to try to behave in a responsible and conscious way in order to bring about the collective change that is so urgently needed? Let’s look at some examples: [...]

The Reed Flute in Sufism

Author: Pinar Akhan

February 24, 2016

The flute as an instrument is perhaps as old as any civilization. It has been used in music both for ritualistic and entertainment purposes in ancient Egypt, Greece, the Hindu culture and in Sufism. The reed flute (called ney) is one of the main instruments in Sufism. It has been played for 4500-5000 years and [...]

Tuning to Nature

Author: Natalia Lema

February 8, 2016

In the ancient civilizations there was an approach to nature in which all beings were considered to be connected in a harmonious way. Stones, plants, animals, humans and divine beings were all part of Creation and the awareness of the thread that united them was more present in the minds of those who lived in [...]

Culture Creatives and the Wisdom Culture

Author: Agostino Dominici

February 7, 2016

Many recent thinkers have spoken of the troubled times our world is going through and the picture that is emerging resembles more and more the central piece of Hieronymus Bosch’s triptych The Last Judgment. In it we see in vibrant colors the chaotic scenes of anarchy and depravation while society dances and sings to the [...]

Mandala: Voyage to the Center

Author: Sivan Barzilay

February 6, 2016

INTRODUCTION A traditional Japanese story speaks of a disciple who once asked his master how one could achieve enlightenment. The master suggested in a matter of fact manner, that he must do exactly the same thing he did every morning for the sun to rise. After much pondering, the confused disciple went back to his master to [...]