- The Heroic Spirit - Natalia Lema
- The Hidden Life of Wolves - Miha Kosir
- The High City of Troy - Nataliya Petlevych
- The Ice Rink - Gilad Sommer
- The Ideal Activist: Inner Work for Outer Change - Harianto H Mehta
- The Importance of Context - Sabine Leitner
- The importance of culture and why ‘no’ is the new ‘yes’ - Sabine Leitner
- The importance of knowing what is good - Sabine Leitner
- The Industrial Revolutions - Alfredo Aguilar
- The Inner Gold of the Alchemists - Julian Scott
- The Inner Mirror - Jorge Angel Livraga
- The Integral Theory of Ken Wilber - Julian Scott
- The Journey of Individuation and the Power of Symbols - Nataliya Petlevych
- The Joy of Living Philosophy - Akanksha Sanghi
- The Kalevala - Nataliya Petlevych
- The Key to Triumph - Carlos Adelantado
- The Language of Birds - Julian Scott
- The Little Prince: A Journey Inwards - Krutika Mehta
- The Magic of Thoth-Hermes - Agostino Dominici
- The Magical Function of Rituals and Ceremonies - Julian Scott
- The Man in the Moon - Anonymous
- The Mandate of Heaven - Miha Kosir
- The Mask – a Sacro-Magical Art Form - Agostino Dominici
- The Mask, Unmasked - Archana Samarth
- The Masses in Modern Philosophy - Istvan Orban
- The Measure of Success - Yaron Barzilay
- The METAVERSE, A Philosophical Perspective - Ilanit Adar
- The Mind - a parent who just can't say no - Gilad Sommer
- The Monkey King and the Mangoes - Anonymous
- The Moral Struggle - Delia Steinberg Guzmán
- The Mozart Effect - David Hirschorn
- The Mysterious Fraternity of the Rosicrucians - Julian Scott
- The Mystery of Animal Migration - Julian Scott
- The Mystery of Time in Various Cultures - Miha Kosir
- The Myth of Atlantis and the Universal Flood - Antonio Belda
- The Myth of the Cave - Miha Kosir
- The Myth of Unending Progress - Jorge Angel Livraga
- The need for a vision of the future - Sabine Leitner
- The Need To Stand Out - Delia Steinberg Guzmán
- The Negative Impact of Technology on Education - Florimond Krins